Surprise #request 02

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Chenguang had been plotting. Not in a diabolical way but more of a sweeter way. She had been planning this surprise for the longest period of time. She had contacted no number of people to get them involved and had been out shopping and slaving over cooking for the last couple of days. 

She had recruited the ever so loyal Wendy and Irene to pull it all off. They were going to help her cover up her tracks and accomplish the large task she had set for herself. Chenguang had no clue what she would do without her best friends. The two female idols were the closest things she had to sisters and she couldn't see herself losing the friendship she had formed with the girls.

She had woken that morning at about 4 and had done her normal morning routine. Having finished her routine by 6am that morning she tiptoed around the dorm trying to not wake anyone whilst she was at it. Going to the kitchen she slowly moved the items she needed to take with her, which was essentially all the cooking she had been doing late the last couple of nights, into one place. 

She then picked up her set of car keys from the box of keys and went to move the boxes into her car. It took three very quiet trips back and forth but by then she had successfully moved everything without waking anyone else up. She very easily pulled up to the building where her group normally practiced. She knew today for them would be spent focusing on more of the lyrical side so the room would be kept rather empty instead. 

She had started to set it up at about half past 8 enjoying an hour or so to herself where she spent it practising the gymnastic moves she had been long dying to work on. She had done her old floor routine and found an almost comfort in performing something she had not done in such a long time. 

The setting up had not been going well. Putting tables together on your own is not fun. And it is definitely not easy. So when the two female idols turned up everything else felt easier. Two or three people putting together a table was so much better. 

And soon enough the tables were placed where she wanted and she was then onto the process of organising everything onto them in the way she wanted. Lining up the 13 different dishes equal spaced apart and with the group photo in the middle she stood back and admired the work she had done with the other girls. Now was to implement the rest of the plan and let the other guys know of her plans. But she still wanted it to be a surprise.

So maybe she hadn't thought as far to how she was going to get everyone there but like she would have to come up with it pretty fast. That was until she discovered that during her rush that morning she had also left her phone behind.

And she was not the only one who had discovered this. It had been about half an hour prior to Chenguang's discovery of her forgotten phone that the other members had gone to find her for their day.

The others was Seungcheol who had hoped they could spend the morning together. He had wondered into her room hoping that she would have had a lie in that morning and would be still asleep as he had given out the direct statement of leaving her alone for the morning. Though when entering her room he was surprised to see it empty.

His first move was to go around the entirety of the dorm to see if she was about somewhere casually or god forbid back in the kitchen again. All he wanted was for her to have one day off, one day where she did nothing and everyone else did things for her. But alas he couldn't find her around the dorm. Absolutely anywhere and he couldn't hear her either. He was use to hearing her either talking or singing around the dorm but nothing. 

His next step was to call her incase she had gone to the shops or something. He tried twice before hearing her ringtone coming from her room. He always knew it was her phone ringing because the tune was the 13 boys shouting at her to pick it up. It was a messy ringtone but seemed to fit her really well. He sighed before turning to the group chat.


14 members

Today's messages 10:05am


Not that I'm panicking or anything but anyone know where Chenguang is? I can't find her anywhere around the dorm and like she's left her phone behind wherever she's gone. 

He waited until the rest had replied with not knowing where she was. And he began to panic more. Especially with the missing car keys. He checked the news for any signs of a car traffic accident and when it came up blank he thought hard about how he was going to find her. 

He resorted to calling the number of Wendy in the hope it would be picked up. But this time after five attempts he too assumed she mustn't have her phone on her. Resorting to the last female friend he thought Chenguang would be with he called the number of Irene. 

Luckily it was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" Came the unsure voice of Irene as she had obviously not checked the called ID

"Hi, its Seungcheol have you got Chenguang with you?" He asked waiting for her response until he heard the shuffling sounds of the phone being passed over. And the hushed English whispers between the girls

"Hello handsome-" Started the ever so familiar voice

"Where are you? Are you okay? Has something happened? Do you need me to come to you? How dare you leave your phone behind?"

"Seungcheol stop. I'm sorry I've been with Wendy and Irene in our practice room all day. I thought I had told you about it. We're just messing about. I'm sorry I left my phone behind. Why don't you gather the kids and come meet us here. We can have a little bit of fun and I'll make this all up to you then." She replied giving the other girls the thumbs up when he agreed.

It took 10 minutes for the message to say that the remaining 13 were on their way and that they'd brought her phone with them. It then took another 10 minutes for them to arrive having walked as a group from the dorms to the building.

The lights had been turned off as the 13 male members entered into a room of complete darkness. Until the lights were turned on and their female member stood in the middle of the room in front of four tables. Her arms were out wide as she shouted the word 'surprise'.

"I wanted to show you all how much I love and appreciate you. So I made each one of you your favourite food and kept them on hotplates so that you can enjoy them warm. Thank you for sticking by my side these past few years. And here's to our future."

Hello request two for this book in the last two days. Thank you all for getting involved with this book and supporting my writing. I'm sorry this one isn't as big or as long but I still enjoyed writing it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this one as much as you've enjoyed other books. 


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