I'm a cool mum

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ChenGuang is stood in the kitchen the recording device prepped carefully in front of her sat on some form of cooking apparatus. Her hair is laying flat on her shoulders and very minimal makeup can be seen on her face. She adorns her glasses as she leans forwards resting her elbows on the counter. 


"Good morning Carats, it's very early I think about half past four

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"Good morning Carats, it's very early I think about half past four. That's why I'm speaking so quietly. I don't want to wake any of the kids. But because it's so early and I'm all alone I got a little bored. The others won't be awake for another half an hour or so. I thought I could show you a little bit of our morning routine. Does that sound alright?"

ChenGuang stood quietly reading the comments which were being posted. She took her time to read them making sure she could understand what each fan was saying. 

"Thank you for your support. I guess I could start it with my own routine. That's what you guys are asking. Well I woke up about an hour ago maybe a little less than that. I know thats really early in comparison to the other members. But I have to get up really early to shower and get ready. This way it means I'm all dressed and decent before the boys can even think about getting up yet alone wandering into my room as they tend to do so without knocking. By the time this is all done it can be anywhere from like quarter past 4 to about half past. And then we reach this point in my morning."

She then moved her way towards the cupboards closet to the sink. Gingerly opening the door she pulled out a bag of what looked like oats before sitting them on the side. 

"What do I do now? Well I mean it's a little too early for me to start making breakfast right now. But the early risers will be up soon. Ahh another comment. How do I manage to wake up this early every morning and does it make me tired? Well I mean this routine started when we were trainees and still had to go to school. And now I kind of still wake up to ensure that all the boys eat before we start the day. Does it make me tired, yeah kinda. I mean that may explain why you guys see me napping so much. Naps are not just for kids." 

ChenGuang then moved her way back towards the cupboards bringing out what seemed like the biggest saucepan she owned before moving it to the hob. It had turned out the device she used to record the V live had been perched on the counter near the hob so that she could still be seen when cooking. 

"Ah its now 5am and you can now hear the sound of teenage boys first thing in the morning. Those heavy bangs are their feet and that strange groaning sound is them complaining about the early start. The water pressure has gone down so the shower is on. The rustling you can faintly hear is them trying to decide what to wear black or black. Now I'm going to start to make food so that they can eat as soon as they enter. "

She poured half of the bag of oats into the saucepan before moving to what seemed like the fridge. Bringing out a cartoon of milk she then poured it in.

"What are we having for breakfast today? Well porridge of course. We have this most mornings and not because it's the only kind of breakfast I'm good at making. Not at all. Had I not been in seventeen I would have been a chef. Maybe not. I'd have probably been a gymnast instead. I'm not the best cook thats for certain. But if not these boys wouldn't eat in the morning. And skipping meals is not okay." 

She slowly began to plate up a bowl before gathering a spoon in her right hand she then lifted the bowl with her left. She very quickly passed the bowl to a body who had entered the room.

"Morning WonWoo sleep okay?"

"Not too bad was a little warm last night"

The pair continued to talk between themselves with ChenGuang almost forgetting of the vlive occurring. 

"Oh how bad of me. WonWoo say good morning to carats. I've had a v live on for just over an hour now. Sorry about that."

"Morning carats. Can they even see me?"

"Why see when they can hear?"

ChenGuang then dished up another bowl before passing it to another body.

"Good morning JunHui, say hello to the carats and go eat." She spoke ushering the boy towards the table. 

"Morning mum. Hello carats" He spoke before no more words were spoken. ChenGuang moved towards the v live to read more comments. 

"What am I? I'm a cool mum. Wait Minghao was that you? Don't think I can't tell that's you by your username. Get down here right now. " She let out a sigh before continuing to monitor the porridge. 

"Can't let this good food go to waste the other kids must be down soon." Each time another person entered the room the morning was followed by the question 'I'm a cool mum right?'. She continued to talk to the boys and the people on the v live whilst the morning continued. 

"Oh goodbye carats we have to get on with our day now. But there's a non-official morning of seventeen. " ChenGuang finished after she had rushed back into the room whilst on their way out of the dorm. 

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