You'll always have my heart #Request O1

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Wu ChenGuang was not a jealous person. Well that's what she had been telling herself now for what felt like forever. Okay so forever might have just been a couple of days or you know the last week. 

She had never known herself to get jealous before, not when she saw the other people in her gymnastic group get more medals than her. Not when she looked at the line distribution and saw what the other members got in comparison. Not when she noticed other people out on the streets with their partner and she was alone doing the shopping for herself and the other 13 members. 

That was until now. And she hated this feeling. Hated it so much that she was crying over it. Yep she had retreated away from the others into her room and was crying. Crying over her feelings and the situation. It was dramatic yes as she lied on her bed and stared at the ceiling with tears running down her face. But she couldn't bare to see him right now. In actual fear that her feelings would jump out. 

She'd never been more confused in her life. She thought she was cemented in her relationship with Seungcheol. She thought she knew where they stood. Cause she was damn certain he had her whole heart. Was she dumb to think the same thing. Up until now she had no reason to question this thought nothing had suggested anything differently. 

Well that was until they had gotten a new member of staff just over a week ago. The new member of staff was a very very pretty woman who must have been around the same age as her self. She had very pretty dark brown hair styled in large waves and big beautiful dark eyes. She looked very different to Chenguang at the time who's hair had been dyed ginger in colour and had very slim eyes. The new staff member was lovely she was a truly nice person who didn't treat any member better than another. And she was pretty talented at makeup as well. 

And Chenguang would never had minded this new addition to their staff team. She had always gotten on well with them and enjoyed having people who stayed around enough to be on first name bases with her and have proper meaningful conversations. And it was no fault of the new staff member but like it was the way she had gained the attention of the ever polite leader. How she had made him act in  a way she had only ever seen him act with herself. The new staff member was named Jihye and she had brought out the side Chenguang thought was only for her.

And this was not okay. She didn't like the way Seungcheol looked and smiled at her and the way he spoke to her. 

Chenguang hadn't even thought she was jealous at first. She had thought maybe that she was coming down with something and this was making her feel slightly off, slightly funny. Until she had called Wendy and asked her for help. The pair had sat on the phone for over two hours talking about the younger girls feelings and what was going on. It wasn't until it was pointed out that she was aware this awful feeling was jealousy and she wanted it to go so bad. Wendy had told her to just go and talk it out. To bring it up and just share her feelings with said man. It couldn't truly be that bad, because according to Wendy, there was nothing purer than the love the two parents of seventeen held for one another. 

And this brought her back to now. Sitting on her bed unsure of what to do with herself. Unsure on how to deal with said feelings and attributes. She was very much confused in the current moment. But she was determined to move on and put her thoughts to something else. 

She knew the perfect way to take her thoughts of her situation. She would start a v-live with her fans. Taking off any prior makeup she had on and washing her face she decided she would do a v-live with the carats and do her makeup whilst answering their questions. 

Setting up the recording device she clicked the starting button and watched as fans joined the streaming service. 

"Hello carats, it's time for Dami's drama. And no I'm not going to be just sharing the top secrets of my children but don't think some won't slip out. No I'm going to be doing my makeup. But I won't start until I reach 1000 hearts so that as many of you as possible can see the whole routine." 

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