
The door to a little boys room creeks open.

"Sweetie? Are you still awake?" The mother of said child whispers, so he wouldn't wake up, but silently hopes he would.

The covers on the bed move a little, & a small angry pink face with hot tears, & messy brown hair baby faced child pops out of them. The mothers smiles drops a little hoping everything was alright...

"I don't want you to leave..why can't I go with you?" The small boys asks as a small hiccup comes out from him. The mother who was stuck on his question finally realizes what her son must be talking about. She sighs, & slowly walks over to her son.

"Oh baby boy..I'm sorry, but mommy, & daddy have to go..We can't take you either honey..bad people want to take you from us, & the only way to protect you is to go away on a plane we're taking, so they can't follow our trail..But mommy promises she'll, & daddy will come back once everything's over hun." She says hugging the child close to her heart. The small boy latches onto her coat, & looks up at her..

"You promise? Mommy you have to promise you'll come back ok?" He says gripping harder with all his little boy strength, making sure she holds onto her promise before he goes to sleep.

The mother smiles sadly at her sons wall, knowing very well that they may never come back, but to make sure her sons grows up with a happy life.."Yes dear, I promise you that we will come back...but I want you to understand that we won't be coming back, so might take days, weeks, months, years even before we do, & because of that I want you to promise me that no matter what. You'll never give up ok? Promise me that please sweetie." She asks. The young boy nods understanding completely, but is slightly heartbroken.

Later in the night the child is fast asleep as morning rolls by.

His aunt, & uncle come over to take care of him knowing everything that's been happening.

They three finish eating breakfast as the news comes turns on..a plane crash has happened mysteriously. Everything was destroyed. Bodies weren't found, but some of the planes supplies were missing.

At night is when cries happen. Cries full of sorrow, & sadness as the cries are cut off. Everything turns black...

Shooting up from a bed gasping, & sweating, pain rushes all over as a small surprised cry falls out alerting the others.



Hiss..ah ow..jeez what happened? Sitting back up slowly this time I hear footsteps quickly reaching my door..a little out of it I don't bother to get in a stance..

"You shouldn't be sitting up! Lay back down!" A voice orders..I squint, trying to see through my mask.."Dr. Banner? What are you doing here?...What am I doing here?" I ask sitting up further in panic. "We were on a mission, & you came by to help while also bringing some were shot. We managed to find some weird substance that's now running through your veins..we couldn't get anything out fearing you'd need a blood transfusion, & sadly enough we weren't sure if anyone was your blood type." Matt says slowly walking into the room, finding the bed, & sitting on it.

Shot? Substance?

"Wait-what? Hold-hold on one second..I'm..I'm sorry but I'm very confused..Anyway what is Dr. Banner doing here?" I ask again.

Now Wade answers," We couldn't take you home, nor could we take you to a hospital, & plus the Avengers tower was the closest to our location. I think we should talk more once your feeling better. I don't think that substance swimming through your blood is a good thing, & we're not sure about the effects it has on you. Dock had only managed to get what ever didn't enter your body before we washed off your wound. Oh! don't worry. We made sure he didn't take any blood samples!" After hearing that I turn towards Dr. Banner.

He chuckles a bit,"Don't worry. Unlike Tony, & Fury I respect you privacy. As much as I want to figure out who you truly are under that mask I don't want to do it by force." He says. I nod.

All of a sudden everything went fuzzy, & I swear to my identity that the entire rainbow flashed before my eyes before landing on black, & then slowly fading to a misty red color..acting as if nothing happened. I look towards the others..

"Ok then..I'll take a nap for now..but when I wake up we need to talk about something...It's only just now bothering me, but like I said I'll nap first, & talk second..Wade, Matt. Could one of you stay here with me while to other goes to pick up my spare suit? As much as I should fix this bullet hole-I feel into a dumpster on my way towards you. & this suit isn't good to wear when dirty. It leaves rashes." I ask. They nod as Matt stays in the room with me while Dr. Banner, & Wade leave the room..

Laying on the bed I look towards the ceiling..

"I having a feeling of what had happened back there, but I want to wait until you say it just in case we're on the same track." Matt whispers. I nod as I turn towards him in the bed.

"They said something about a target. That being me I presume. The question here is why." I say. Matt nods. 

"You've probably met them before..although I can hardly believe that. Judging by they're weaponry Wade described, & they're uniforms they sound like trouble, & not your average kind." Matt claims.

Nodding in agreement I slowly slip my eyes shut as I fall into darkness.

*Ello! Like I was saying I'll having the next stories you guys need to choose! Remember I need you guys to choose TWO other stories, so I can fill my schedule. Anyway here they are!* Please vote next to what's written no where else. If you can't then do what you did last vote, but in the comments instead. Remember if you type dis one, or just dis it won't count, because your no telling me what you choose.

Sonic the Hedgehog: This will be a mix between almost every Sonic game, or comics, or cartoons, but it's fan made, so if chosen I'll let you guys choose whether or not it's based around the main characters, or i can ring out a story with my own character.

Boku No Hero Academia: I'll also have this one, if chosen either be a fan made story around the characters, or a story based around my own characters. I'll also mix in different AU's to make it interesting.

Dragon Ball Series: It's well known for the Dragon Ball universe that well they're all different universes! So if chosen I'll let you guys chosen which universe I should make a fan made story out of, but I'll let you guys know now that I find some of the Dragon Ball universes to relate to each other, so I'm gonna combine them, that or you guys can chosen if I should make one with my own characters.

Sally Face: Nothing much to say here actually. Although, for the originally Sally Face I could add on some theories I've seen on the internet, & add onto the story with the main characters, or like for anything just make a fan made story of my own with my characters.

Attack On Titan: You really only get two options with this one sadly. It's fan made yes. But it's either a story of Eren stuck as a titan like he woke up like that. (Check out RedCoaster) Or. I make one like that, but with my own character.

Random Adventure book: Okay in all honesty. I've been writing a book for...3, or 4 years now? I'm only just starting on chapter 7. It's a adventure I've been inspired to write (Go check out Gizzy Gazza's Altered Adventure series on YT) & because I've been inspired I decided to plan out the next books for it. Yes it includes Gizzy, & some other Ytubers.

nwjvhc2 (GC) (DC)

Mutes Don't Stay Silent ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora