And Then There Was 3

Start from the beginning

Unplugging the tub he helped her out then dried her skin. Lotioning her up they went to be, no need to put on clothes. As soon as Terry's head hit the pillow he was out cold. Completely drained much like the kids.

Unlike him Taraji tossed and turned. Waking up every hour to pee. By the time she really dozed off it was 12 in the morning. Giving herself a good few hours until she woke up again. She stared at the ceiling feeling uneasy, she started feeling those slight pains again. Figuring it was another trick she went back to sleep only to wake up 15 minutes later.

"Terry....." She whined sitting up, this pain not like what she had been feeling. Out of nowhere a burst of pain made her cry out doubling over.

"Terry....TERRENCE!!!" She screamed waking him up with a jumpstart. Sitting up he looked at her putting his hand on her back. She was making noises of pain through short breaths.

"Baby, sit up for me. Maybe it's just the fake ones again." He tiredly mumbled rubbing her back she shook her head. Grabbing his hand she nearly shattered the bones, he cursed trying to get out of her grip.

"IT'S NOT FAKE, SHIT IT'S NOT FAKE." She cried out, her voice traveling. Cel burst into the room seeing his naked parents.

"Man that's gross!" He groaned out his voice thick with sleep. The whole house stirred from Taraji's loud voice. Snatching his keys off the end table he threw them at Cel.

"Go start the car. Get your siblings up right now." He ordered, Cel nodded yelling for everyone to wake up as he headed downstairs. Terrence focused on getting Taraji and himself dressed, he rushed into her closet just grabbing a sundress to put on her. He didn't bother with shoes or anything knowing he was carrying her.

Taraji knowing this was finally the real deal felt the tears starting to form. The contractions were almost 12 minutes apart but they were big ones. Carrying her out to the car he found his kids already inside, the youngest had already fallen asleep again. Getting her in and buckled up they started the drive. Taraji groaned tossing her head back against the seat.

"Hold on baby." Terrence spoke grabbing her hand.

After a few minutes he felt her start to squeeze, he glanced at her seeing her hitting her thigh trying not to scream. Marcel grabbed her other hand wishing he hadn't. He let out a loud yell that startled his siblings igniting Hunter to start crying for being woken up twice. Heaven started to yell at Hunter, and Aubrey tried to keep the two from fighting. All while Cel tried hard to snatch his hand from his mother. The car mixing with everyone's voices and noises made the nose hard on the ears.

"SHUT UP!!!" Taraji yelled unable to focus on herself. The car quieted instantly, with her contraction passing she focused on deep breaths. Terrence dug around in Taraji's overnight bag looking for her phone, pulling it out he tosses it towards Aubrey.

"Call Mama Niecy, then your grandma." He spoke, digging his phone out and tossing it to Cel.

"Call your grandpa." They pulled up to the hospital just as another contraction hit.

Hunter staring at Taraji crying out in pain made him grow confused. He knew he was supposed to get a little brother soon, but he didn't understand what was happening. His older siblings too busy to answer his growing questions. His confusion turned to fear as Taraji stepped out of the car and a gush of liquid rushed from her. His siblings gasping while the only thing playing in his mind was his mama was dying.

He broke out into full tears once more. Marcel picked him up trying to console him. Terrence sent the kids in with the nurse who was wheeling Taraji into the hospital. Hurriedly parking he rushed to catch up. Things got hectic fast, Taraji being in quite the deal of pain. Hours passed and it only intensified. The contractions drawing nearer and nearer. At a steady six minutes apart Taraji was in tears. Waiting for the doctors to bring in her epidural she was on a emotional rampage yelling at anyone doing something she felt was bothering her.

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