Part 42

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You woke up and Johnny and the babies where gone. You get up and look out the door and luckily johnnys on the couch holding the girls. You smile because soda and Twobit are asking soooo many questions. 

"What happens when you run out of diapers?" Soda asks.

"Then we buy more." Johnny laughs, you giggle too and he looks up and smiles lets Twobit hold Cassie, And gently gives Rachel to Darry so he can come talk to you.

"Hey beautiful!" He says and kisses you cheek. "Hey Johnny!" Steve laughs and you laugh too. "Hi" you say and kiss Johnny back.

(Big skip to the babies being toddlers XD)

You walk over to the fridge, your birthday was tomarrow, you'd Finnaly be 17. Johnny was twenty now, but you both looked the same as you always did. You grab two Capri suns(Kool aid jammers) and give them to the girls. 

"Thanks mommy!" Cassie said and poped the straw in the pouch.

"You welcome sweetie." You look over at Johnny. He could never stop smiling sence you gave birth to the girls. Sense they are older their hair grew in, Cassie has blonde hair and blue eyes and Rachel has brown/black hair with brown eyes. Both girls had slightly tan skin but not as tan as johnnys.

"You girls wanna go to the park?" Johnny asks and the girls jump and squeal. "YESSS!" They both say.

"Alrighty!" You say and pick up Rachel while Johnny scoops up Cassie and head to the car.

When you get there the girls take off and play when a car pulls up and a bunch of socs get out. Johnnys the first to stand up. 

"Chill out we ain't here to start anything." One of them say.

"Okay, sorry" Johnny sits back down but turns red with anger when one says. "Great now there's gonna be more greasy girls in this town!" It wasn't even that bad of a roast but Johnny took full offense to it.

He stands up and socks the soc right in the mouth and grabs the girls and puts them in the car, you follow and you guys book it out of there.

You yell thru the window. "Haha fuckers- oh sorry Johnny." You say. You tried not to curse in front of the kids.

"Nah don't worry bout it hon, heck they'll just grow up to do it anyways!"

Johnny Cade x reader (probably smut)Where stories live. Discover now