More Surprising Things!

Start from the beginning

"...You were great. Nothing's hurt?"

Luca asked reluctantly—hmph, you don't want to admit that I'm greater than you? Mwahaha!!!

*cough*, let's stop laughing like a villain or a bully for now.

"Nope, we're all fine... ah..."

Carbuncle is going to stick with me—I mean, do her observation of humans while being together with me, as I'm the "specimen" that sparked her interest.

So, a proper introduction is in order.

"Carbuncle-san... let me introduce—"

"Carbuncle's fine."

"...Right. Let me introduce you to my friends. This here is Iris, this is Luca, and this is Kiri. ...if you want to stick to me, then I hope you can get along well with my friends as well."

"Ha, good! You're brave enough to put a condition that I have to agree! But, that sounds fun! Lyr's friends... they must be interesting!!"

Carbuncle leaned forward with sparkling eyes.

...ah, Luca, Kiri, and Iris spontaneously stepped back.

"Oi, Lyra, you owe us an explanation!"

"L-Lyra, what is going on?"


Luca demanded an explanation, Iris turned her head to me and to Carbuncle many times over in her confusion, and Kiri just looked at me with blank stare.

"Ah, she's Carbuncle, as you may have known... She has decided to join our special class... as she wants to be my friend... I think."

"Yup, well said, Lyr!"

"So... yeah. We now have one more friend...? Ahaha..."

I tried to laugh it off in a friendly way, but my face is still stiff, after all...

"Awesome!" Luca quickly recovered from his surprise and happily celebrated.

"W-whoa, a dragon... is a friend?!" Kiri's eyes shone—

Ah, they are typical boys, after all. Meanwhile, Iris...

"E-eh? W-will it be all right? Dragons... don't eat humans, right?"

Iris is being Iris.

"Don't worry, the Dragonkin has vowed to uphold peace in this world. You have my words," Carbuncle smiled and reassured Iris.

"Although... I must say that you're giving off the image of a little sheep... hmmm...," She continued to mutter as her gaze is glued to Iris.


Obviously, Iris would be frightened—Carbuncle is looking at her intently... and what's that... why is she licking her lips, as if she wants to taste something good?

"Ah, forgive me! I love meat, after all. Sheep—ah, to be more specific, lamb is one of my favorite meat."

...It's not so reassuring, Carbuncle.

I heaved a sigh at how Iris is using me as a shield, hiding behind me as Carbuncle played "peek-a-boo!" with her through my body.

"Oy, Altaire! Lyra! You two okay?"

Clavis' voice!

This time, it's Alt-nii's friends coming after him—there's Clavis and... another boy who's right behind Clavis. I've never seen him before.

His beige hair feels comforting and it goes well with his brown eyes—ah, he's wearing a glasses! Is he the "by-the-book" type?

"Ah, Luca and Kiri are also here... And the dragon girl... and...?"

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