*Chapter 5*

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Yoongi PoV

After I left Jimin I walked back to my house. I was going to talk to my father about what I could do about Jimin's sister and grab some more things, eventually I got home and I opened the door but everything was ripped up the furniture was all knocked over there was broken glass all over the floor and the curtains and carpet was ripped up.


I ran up the stairs and packed the rest of my things in a bag from under my bed. Every room was ruined apart from mine. I got to the bottom of the stairs when I saw my father covered in blood by the door.


I ran over and tried to pick him up but something attacked me and hit me down. I saw my mother looming over me she stabbed me with a piece of glass into my stomach. I kicked her around the head knocking her unconscious. I grabbed my father and my bag and ran back to the castle. It took me abit longer than normal because of the extra weight and the pain in my stomach and back. I only just made it back to Jimins room and he was awake. I put my bag down and put my father in the bath tub and ran the water, I went back to Jimin and crouched in front of him. He was just staring into space.

"Jimin, baby I need you to stay with me okay baby stay with me."

He nodded and I gave him a kiss.

"Now you rest here ok? And I'll take care of my father."

He nodded and laid back down.

I threw off my shirt and cleaned up my wound. I went over to my father and cleaned the blood off him drained the water and dried him then cleaned his inguries.

Jimin PoV

He's taken care of me now it's time I return the favour. He was still in the bathroom but it had been nearly an hour so I got up and checked on him. He was sat on the toilet watching his father.


He looked up and tears started rolling down his cheeks. He jumped up to me and cried in my shoulder.

"Shhhh it's ok let's go to sleep yeah?"

He nodded and I held his hand and we walked to bed. I changed the sheets because they had some blood on and I wrapped him in one of my jumpers. When I was younger I did research on soul mates and it said when they are sad they just want there soul mate and anything that smells like them.
He laid down on the bed in my jumper and I wrapped my arms around him. I snuggled into his chest and I held him tight.
I checked my phone and it said it was 8:27pm but we were both tired so we fell asleep.


I woke up and checked my phone 11:20am. Wait where's Yoongi? I looked around and saw him in the doorway to the bathroom. I got up and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck.

"He's.....d-dead isn't he?"

"Do you want me to check?"

He nodded and I let go of him. I bent down in front of the bathtub and tried to find a pulse but I couldn't find one. I could hear Yoongi starting to sniffle so I turned round and launched onto him. I wrapped my arms around his head and held him close. He started fully crying so I took him downstairs and put him on the sofa I grabbed my big blue fluffy blanket and put it over us. I held him close and interlocked my fingers with his and he squeezed them saying thanks
I put on the tv and he snuggled closer to me. I kissed his hand and wrapped my arm around him.

"I love you baby so much."

"I love you too, what are we going to do now my dad is dead I'm gonna need to have a coronation we need to have a funeral we need to find your sister, and I probably need to put my mum in prison."

"Don't worry about it."

"I need to go to Angelina can you come with me?"

"I'll try when a person turns 18 their wings are there identity but I don't have mine yet so I should be go. Don't worry about it baby."

"Can we go now?"

"If you want to babe."

I tuned off the tv and got up. He lifted his arms up like he wanted to be picked up and I did but carefully so I didn't hurt his back.
I carried him upstairs and gave him another one of my jumpers he repacked his bag while I packed one of mine.

He finished and turned to me as I put my last jumper in.


I nodded.

I held his hand as we walked downstiars. We got outside and walked down the path and got to the barrier. I could tell that he was nervous because he crashed into this barrier and it's not very fun to relive it. I squeezed his hand as he went through and dragged me with him. I got through. Yoongi jumped on me and kissed my neck, I hugged him tight then he let go of me. He held my hand and walked down the street we got to outside his house and I remembered something.

"Yoongi,what about your mother?"


He ran to the guards and they ran in.

He held me close when we heard screams coming from the house.

"I'm sorry."

He ran in the house. 


Yoongi PoV

I think he was crying but I needed to do this. I got to the door and everything was turned upside down I walked around but I got pushed down by my mother. She is terrifying. I kicked her around the head and got up I kicked her again and wrapped her in some rope and dragged her to the guards. I took her down and found Jimin sat on the floor with tears down his cheeks. The guards took her off me and I went to Jimin. 


He turned around and jumped onto me. 

"I-i...I thought I lost you."

His tears streamed down my neck and chest.

"You'll never lose me."

We crouched on floor and he kept crying into my shoulder.

"Baby... it's okay."

I made him look at me and kissed him, I can tell he needed it, we kept going for a while well until I remembered that we were outside.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too."

I wiped the tears off his face and pulled him up. 

"Shall we?"

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