22 - Pizza Delivery

Start from the beginning

"Lisa, can I ask you to do something? "  Jennie said from my side. I tilted my head, telling her that I don't quite understand her meaning. So she asked again, but more specifically. "Can be the one who will go in and save Ji Ho, please? "    

I was just about to agree, but then realization hit me. "Alrig- Wait, you want me to do WHAT!? " I exclaim a bit too loudly. "Are you sure you want me to do it? I'm pretty sure you can find someone else that's far more qualify than me, Jenn- Miss Kim. " 

"Yes, I can find someone else but we can't be sure if we can trust them or not. " She reasoned. 

"I-I don't know Miss Kim. I don't think I can do it. " I reluctantly denied. 

Jennie notices my lack of confidence and said, "Lisa, I know you can do it. I believe in you, you just gotta believe in yourself. " with a reassuring smile. 

I don't want to give in but in the end... I did. And its all because of that smile and those cat-like eyes of hers. 

Bobby and Jay were assigned by Jennie to assist me with this task, which I am grateful of. Cause it would be so much harder if I were alone. After a while of Bobby and Jay teasing me, Jennie finally sent the kidnappers' address. She said it wasn't hard to get it, just need them to send you a message, locate the IP address and you're done. 

Turns out their hideout is an old abanded house, with their front gate torn down, a couple of windows broken or should I say missing but nonetheless a complete roof. Bobby park the car below a shady tree that's out of the vision of the said household. 

"You know what to do right, Jay? " I asked as we all left the car. The man was wearing a pizza delivery uniform that I have no idea where he got it. 

"Of course, be ready to amaze by my acting skills. " He winked while holding his prop. Me and Bobby just rolled our eyes at it and process to hide beside the door. I nodded to signal Jay to start his act.  

He knocked at the door quite harshly and called out for the household. "Hello! Hello, anyone inside? "

 Minutes later, a young man came and opened the door with very little room for anyone to get it. "What the hell do you want? " He said, rather rudely. 

"Aah, yes, I'm a pizza delivery you see and I would like to give it to you after you pay for it of course. " Jay said while pointing at his prop, a smile printed on his face.  

The man frowned at that, "Huh? But we didn't order any. " He turns his head towards the back and yelled, "Hey, Min Ho! You ordered pizza? You know boss wouldn't like this. " 

"No? Wait, let me handle this. " The man name Min Ho came forward and opened the door just wide enough for Jay to observe his tall build. "You're late! I'm sorry but I will not pay it cause you're late. Make sense? Good, now give me that. " He grabbed the pizza and closed the door. 

Just when the door was about to snap shut, Bobby rushes to it and budge it open, hitting the man in the process. "Min! " Bobby then quickly went to the man that just screamed and punched the side of his chin powerfully, knocking him out. When Min Ho crawled back up, Jay quickly knocks him out too with a side kick to his ear. 

"I'll take that back, thank you. " Jay said as he retrieves back his pizza. "I was even thinking of eating this when we're done. " He sighs out of frustration. 

"Okay guys, let's get this job done. " I called for them to gather. The house is large than what I expected so I decided to split the group. "Bobby, you secure the ground floor. Jay, you're coming with me to check the second. Don't let any of them out of this house. Once done contact each other through your phone. Got it? " 

"Got it. " My teammates said, at the same time. 

"I'll see you guys after 10 minutes. " Bobby jokingly said, before searching the area. Not wanting to waste any time, me and Jay went straight up to the second floor. Once up the stair, we part ways as there were two paths that lead to different areas of the house. Honestly though, this house could fit at least 3 families. The number of rooms here is insane. 

The ancient wooden floor below my feet squeaks every now and then, making anxious of my movements. As I walk past the room with a double door, I heard people talking inside. I lean forward to the door, trying to figure out how many are they and a way to sneak in. 

Unfortunately, the task was immediately abandoned as a hand reached from behind me, covering my mouth and another grabbing my waist along with my arm. The person was even strong enough to carry me into the double door room. I didn't even have the time to fight back before I was presented to the room. "Boss, I found this woman outside the room. " He spoke with a calm voice. 

The man that's in his middle age turns towards us. I guess that's the head of the kidnappers. There's another man beside him, but with a more younger face and a taller frame. "A women? " He then starts to observe me, tracking his eyes from the face to my feet. "Ha, maybe the god sent her here so we can get some relief. " The pervert said, disgustingly to his followers. 

"This also part of the reasons why I call you my boss. " The younger kidnapper smirks. 

Just as they were about to get closer, the man that's holding me stopped them. "Boss, shouldn't we tie her up and check the house first? There could be others. " He voices out with the same cold tone. At least one of them has intelligence. 

The two disgusting kidnappers both made a face, unimpressed by his suggestion, which was quite fortunate for my case. "Hoon, we have at least two guys guarding the front door and another two hanging around here. Even if she didn't come alone they wouldn't even cross the second room. Use your brain, Hoon. " The head said, not knowing that he's the fool here. He walked even closer, refuses to listen to Hoon's concern. "Besides, she's skinny as hell, with the three of us she doesn't ev- " His words turned into a series cries as I took advantage of the distance to kick him between the legs. 

They all panicked but none of them was fast to act. The man behind me was the first to taste the pain they cause. He groaned as I forcefully bump my head to his jaw, making him wobbles back. I quickly face him and launched a front kick to his already aching jaw. Soon a 'thumb' was heard as his body fell to the ground. 

"Argh! Don't just stand there! GET HER! " Their boss barked his command at his follower that's currently frozen at his place. But it didn't take long for him to snap back and act on the command given. 

The follower charges at me while pulling his balled fist to the back, ready to throw at me. But I dodged the punches effortlessly. After his fifth failed attempt, I grabbed his supposedly sixth fail attack in mid-air, "Who taught you to punch like this? Your idiotic boss? I'm surprised you haven't got any broken limbs yet. " His face paled as struggles to free his fist. "Let me show you the right way to do it. " Not even a second passed and I broke his good-looking nose with just a punch. And another to his chest, knocking the air out of him before I sweep his legs off the ground as he meets the same fate as Hoon. 

Two down, one to go. 

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