BYM; 1.

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"You're delusional," I said, raising my legs up on the bed.

"Whatever. Come on, question 3." Jack said, tapping the textbook with a pen.

"Jack, kids our age are out. Partying and doing drugs-,"

"Kids like that grow up to work in McDonald's." Jack sighed.

"There's nothing wrong with McDonald's." I mumbled, "We never used to be like this. We were always out. Doing stuff."

"There's a point in your life where you have to start... trying, y/n," Jack told me. 

"Between you and me... I'm sick of trying." 

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me, I was already slowly waking up. My eyes widened. I had been taught how to deal with this, when someone tried to grab you, your elbow was the strongest point. And yet, I was stiff. This kidnapper's arms were nice and comforting.

Focus y/n, you're being kidnapped. 

Without warning, I jabbed my elbow into his stomach and he made a groaning noise.

"Mum, what're you doing? Surely, it's not time for school yet." Was what I heard. I turned over to face him. Blonde, very blonde. Amazing jawline. He was quite handsome. I shook my head.

"What're you doing in my bed?" I shrieked, then I looked around. This wasn't my room. This room was massive and luxurious.

"In your bed? Nightmare or something?" He yawned, turning over and slowly opening his eyes, they widened just like mine had. "Oh my god, who are you? Get out!" Then, he looked around, clearly not recognising the room as well. "Wait... am I in your room?"

"No! This isn't my room! Why would I sleep with a stranger in a random room?" I asked.

"Why would I?" He said, running his hands through his hair. "What's your name?"

"Y/n," I muttered, getting out of bed before realising I was in my underwear. I never slept in my underwear, it was always pyjamas. I immediately scrambled back into bed, yanking the covers off him to cover me.

"Hey-," But I had already seen him in his underwear. We both went red and shared the covers. 

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"I'm Corbyn." He sighed.

"Hi, uhm... my clothes aren't over on your side, are they?" I asked. Corbyn looked down his side of the bed and shook his head.

"I've already seen your bra and pants." He laughed and shrugged. Then, confused, reached inside his mouth.

"Ew, what're you doing?" I asked.

"My retainer... where is it?" Corbyn muttered, lifting up the covers to search.

"Hey, hey, hey. Both in our underwear, ring a bell?" I said, pulling the covers back down. "Your teeth don't look like they need a retainer, they look like they've had braces for years." I peered at them, they were very straight.

"They do?" Corbyn asked, feeling his teeth.

"Ew." I turned away, "Don't be weird but I'm checking the window." I got out of bed and opened the curtains. I could feel Corbyn's gaze on me the entire time. "Corbyn, where are you from?"

"Damn, you're-,"

"Where are you from?" I turned around and faced him.

"Oh... uh..." Corbyn was still looking at my body, when I started towards him he said, "Texas! I'm from Texas! Why, where are we?"

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