I heard him give a small chuckle.

Then the barmaid came back over again with more drinks.

Ben raised his glass and I did the same

"Cheers!" He said excitedly as we clinked our glasses together and took a sip.

I forgot about the slight burn that wine always left in the back of my throat.

I missed it, it reminded me of the good times


"Can we go skating?" Ben asked

He sounded like a giddy little kid and I simply just couldn't say no, especially with that pleading look in his eye.

He was tipsy and I'd only had about 2 glasses of wine.

"I guess we can" I sighed

It was later than I would usually stay out but I didn't mind at all.


Ben immediately grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and looked over at me and turned his head like a confused puppy.

"That's my sweater!" He clearly forgot about our encounter earlier with the shirts.

I just shook my head and smiled softly, it was kind of a cute sight to see him all confused.

I watched Ben fumble around with his pocket looking for a $20 bill, but once he found it he just smacked on the table and out we went.


Once we made it out the door Ben started....skipping?

I watched him from a slight distance and just smiled

It had been quite a night....

"Are you coming or what, Joey"

Joey...he had a nickname for me already?

"I'm coming" I sounded like a tired mom

I picked up my pace slightly and started walking at his speed.


After ten minutes Ben finally decided to just walk like a normal person.

I felt Ben reach for my hand but this time I didn't flinch away or object, I just let him do his thing.

I intertwined out fingers in a tight hold as we continued walking to the skating rink.

I felt myself grow warm inside, almost like I could throw up but in the best way possible if that makes sense?

I have no idea what I'm feeling, but I love whatever it is I never want it to go away.


We walked for a couple more minutes until Ben pointed at the skating rink.

He went charging at it as if he were a little kid going to the carnival for the first time.

I never wanted this night to end.

I followed closely behind Ben as we walked up to the skate rentals.

By the time I finished lacing up my skates Ben was already on the ice doing backwards crossovers.

I wasn't a great skater but I could manage by myself

Or that's what I thought.


The second I stepped onto the ice I fell down on my ass.

Ben obviously noticed this from the other side of the rink and came skating over to me with a grin plastered on his face.

"Need help bud?" He asked smugly

I just nodded and he put a hand out for me to hold onto while I pulled myself up.

"Here, take these"

He handed me some gloves out of his pocket, which I greatly appreciated.

I slipped the gloves on my cold hands and tried to continue skating.

I was skating worse than Ben who was still clearly some form of intoxicated.

I guess I overestimated myself this time and gave up by skating slowly over to the wall and leaning against it.

I looked like a newborn giraffe except...shorter


Ben continued skating for another five minutes until he came over to try and rescue me...again

He held his hands out in front of him as an indicator for me to take them so I did so.

He skated backwards while trying to direct me in the right way.

We stayed like this for a few minutes until I finally managed to get a hang of it.

After that I was skating just fine on my own and started following behind Ben.

I didn't know any of the fancy figure skating things like crossovers or double Axel's but I was still on my feet which is all my focus was on.


We skated for quite some time until Ben said that we should start walking home.

I didn't want to go home because that meant we would have to seperate again.

I just wanted to stay with him.

As we walked home Ben had decided to hold my hand again and once again I decided that I would let him.

It was a very nice night, it wasn't too cold but wasn't necessarily warm either.

Everything about this night was just so romantic.

Almost like it was planned.

I haven't known Ben for a long time but I know that I like him...a lot.


Once we got to the apartment building Ben held the door open for me to go inside.

How sweet.

We both stepped into the elevator and made our way up to our floor.

Once we got up there Ben walked me to my door.

I smiled widely at him and he did the same back at me.

I got a weird fluttery feeling in my stomach but I ignored it.

"Ben, I had a really good time tonight"

"Me too"

We just stood there for a moment looking into each other's eyes.

Until I decided to do something I never thought I would do.

I looked at Ben's eyes then down at his lips.

I slowly leaned in closer and closer as he did the same.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his.

My stomach was doing somersaults and my mind was running at a mile a minute I was going insane.

I felt infinite.

This is all I wanted.

All I needed.

I pulled away and looked down at the ground awkwardly as I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

Ben tipped my chin up to look up at him.

"Goodnight, Joe" he said with a large grin

"Goodnight, Ben" I mumbled

He flashed me one last smile as he walked down the hall to his apartment.

I unlocked my door and closed it behind me.

I sunk down to the floor with the biggest smile on my face

I think I love him

Idk how to write kissing scenes so yeah, that was awkward but that was a lot of fun and pretty long, I'm trying to get better at longer chapters so I hope y'all liked that and thanks for reading loveys

Lover Boy ✩ HardzelloOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora