Year five

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As Severus was standing to get ready for bed, after deciding that it would be best for him to be rested for the next day which he was sure would be full of drama, his still blazing fire turned green and the head of the Headmaster appeared.

"Ah, Severus, my boy, can I come through?"

Severus nodded stiffly, not wanting to speak to the old man, but also wanting to get it out of the way. Albus stepped through and sat in the chair next to the fireplace and opposite where Severus was sitting with his back ram-rod straight.

"Relax lad."

"That's a little difficult."

"Why's that?"

"Minerva," he growled.

"Ahh, yes. She heard about you and Hermione."

Severus nodded. "Is there not anything you can do to get her to loosen up?"

"I'm sorry Severus, but Hermione is Minerva's daughter and she can do what she wishes."

"Come on Albus, it's not like her and Alan were just kissing and hugging when Minerva was sixteen."

"You are very right, my boy."

"Then why is she acting like this?"

"You will have to talk to her. Now, this is not the reason I came to speak to you."

"What do you want old man." It was more of a demand than a question.

"I want you to work on a couple of potions."

"What and when?"

"Polyjuice, draught of living death and an anti-venom potion."

"Why on bloody earth would you want all of that?"

"For Flamel. I believe he is doing a set of experiments."

"Why me? You can buy those bloody things."

"Yes, but he trusts you."

"I'm going to need more information than that Albus!"

"You're not going to get it."


"Because that is all I know.'

"Where are you going to be when these experiments are taking place?"

"With him."

Severus nodded. "I'm not doing this for nothing Albus."

"I understand boy. Name your price."

"I want Hermione back and I want to set up an account for her and you can pay half of my wages into there every month and half of what you're paying me for side jobs such as this into there as well."

"Are you sure?"

Severus nodded. "I want to make sure she's looked after when I can't be there to do it."

"She has Minerva."

"Minerva isn't going to live forever, Albus."

"That she isn't. I shall speak to both Hermione and Minerva and will let you know once that account for Hermione has been set up."

"Thank you Albus. I will check my stocks and start building up your bill for these potions."

"Of course. Let me know when you're done Severus and I'll let you know when I have done my part of the deal." Severus nodded and Albus stood. "I'll see you in the morning then, lad."

"Yes." Severus watched as the fire turned green before continuing to blaze its normal warm colours. Sighing, Severus dosed the fire and headed back to his bedroom, where he finished going through his nightly routine before going to bed. He had set a tempus charm on his wand so that he would wake an hour earlier so that he could deliver Hermione her communication book while Minerva would, no doubt, be with Albus.

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