Year four

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"Why can't I go Mom?"

"Because as nice as Molly and Arthur are, their boys are not the nicest."

Hermione nodded; she knew all too well what they were like. "Can you come as well then?"

"I'm sorry Kitten, if there was a way for you to go, then I would let you." Minerva felt bad for having to deny her daughter.


"Severus," Minerva gasped as he stepped out of the fireplace. "What's happened?"

"Where's Hermione?"

"Sat behind you," Hermione whispered coldly.

Severus sat next to her on the sofa. "Are you okay?" Hermione nodded. "I'm glad you're here."


"Because the Dark Lord has planned a raid for after the match tonight."

"Are you going?" Hermione asked worried.

"Don't worry my dear, I'm not going tonight."

Hermione relaxed and fell against him, exhausted.

Minerva sighed. "She's not been sleeping too well lately."


Nodding Minerva said, "I've tried everything and nothing works."

Severus nodded. "I'll stay tonight and see what I can do."

"Thank you," Minerva whispered, desperate for her daughter to get some decent sleep.

The next morning, Hermione awoke with the sun. She felt someone behind her and snuggled close. She gasped when she felt something press against her lower back, so she turned and smiled when she saw it was Severus whom was holding her. She closed her eyes and pressed her face into his bare chest. Severus woke when he felt Hermione stir, but kept his eyes firmly shut. A smile graced his lips when he felt her turn over and bury herself into his chest.

"Morning Severus," Hermione whispered when she felt his breathing change.

"Morning my dear. Sleep well?"

Hermione nodded. "I've not slept so well since my parents passed on."

Severus placed a kiss to her forehead and whispered his apologies. Hermione smiled and kissed his cheek in thanks. She politely blushed, but Severus smiled and held her closer. He ignored the sharp pain that shot through his left arm quickly, before it disappeared just as quick.

Minerva knocked lightly on the door and stuck her head around it. "Are you both awake?"

"Yes, but I want to stay right here," Hermione pouted. And to prove that she was truly saying what she wanted, she went back to snuggling close to Severus.

Minerva grinned. "Severus?"

"I'm happy to stay here also."

"Then can I come in?"


Hermione smiled at her mother as she sat on her side of the bed and faced them. "What can we do for you dear mother of mine?"

Minerva didn't say anything, she just passed the paper to Severus so that the two could see the front page.

'Dark Mark hangs over Quidditch World Cup stadium'

Hermione gasped and closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling. Severus shook his head and held Hermione closer. Minerva held her daughter's free hand and blinked hard several times.

Hermione Mcgonagall (completed)Where stories live. Discover now