Chapter 1

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*2 years ago*

"Nathan where are you going" I asked walking into my best friends bedroom to see him packing his suite case.
"I'm leaving" he said. What? I didn't know anything about this.
"Where are you leaving to, are you coming back" I asked. "I'm moving to London, I got a place in a band with 4 other lads" he smiled at me.

"Why didn't you tell me" I asked tears now coming out of my eyes. "Bb, please don't cry, you know your my bestfriend and I'll keep in contact I promise. You can visit whenever you want, I'll miss you" he said hugging me. "I'll miss you so much" I said and I meant it.

Nathan was my only friend. I was never popular at school. Nathan had been my friend since the first day of primary school and now here we are 16 year old betsy-blue and Nathan Sykes hugging because he's leaving. Karen, Nathan's mom always treated me like a daughter. My mother didn't like me at all. I would go home and be sent straight to my room. That's why I spent most time at the Sykes.

I'm a short girl with a pretty cute style if you ask me. I write a fashion blog every Thursday. The people who read it are my bunnies. I would call them fans but I'm not exactly that popular. I have bleach blonde hair down to my waist. It's all natural. I don't wear much make up. I don't like to. Me and Nathan both took music as options in school and we were named the best male and female singers in our school.

I walked to the door hand in hand with Nathan ready to say goodbye. We got to the door just as there was a knock. "That will be max" he said. He opened to door and in walked a bald guy older than us. "Bb this is max, he's in the band with me, max this is betsy-blue my bestfriend" he introduced us. I shook Max's hand and said hi.

"Mate we need to go if we want to be in London by 4" max said. Nathan nodded and turned to me. "I'll miss you bb, I promised I'll call you everyday" and with that he was gone. Out of my life, and still he broke his promise.

*back to the present*

I never had any contact with Nathan after that day. He called me when he got to London but after than I didn't hear anything from him. 2 years later I still wonder why he didn't call me. Did he seriously forget about me. How could he? Today I'm moving to London. I'm starting a new life. I said goodbye to Karen and hugged Jess. Yes I still talk to them. There the closest thing to a family I have. Nathan hardly ever comes home and when he does I'm never there.

He's 17 now and his band are pretty big now. There first single went straight to number one and there album is amazing. Yes I have there album too. Nathan may have forgot about me but I haven't forgot about him.

Anyways back to me. So I've met these 3 people over the internet and we've met up a lot and decided to start a band. We called the band Only The Young and it consisted of me Betsy-Blue English, Parisa Targomani, Mikey Bromley and Charlie George. Were a mixed band and have had a lot of comments saying were really good. Were all moving in with Parisas mom Sophia.

The only thing that worries me about moving to London is that Nathan's there and I really hope I don't bump into him. I couldn't face him after two years. It would all be to much!


So I'm starting a new story. I hope you like it and if you don't I'm sorry.

Please comment and vote and tell me what you think. Shall I keep it or delete it.

Stay beautiful.

Anna x

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