Warriors - Thistleclaw X Spottedpaw

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This ship... just wow.

It's so bad. Like actually controversial bad.

In my opinion, and yes, this is my opinion, Thistleclaw is a pedophile. And Spottedpaw is a minor.

And I know that they're just cats, however, they are presented as more intelligent than cats. Plus the age gap is not just the issue, their relationship was toxic.

Spottedpaw was young and impressionable, Thistleclaw never really loved her, he was manipulating her to join the Dark Forest. He was portraying predatory behavior, however, I do not want to get into that too much.

To even call this a ship is shameful and disgusting, but some people do in fact ship this and I cannot defend them.

Usually I'd say that I respect your opinion but if you like this ship than you have a twisted sense of relationships.

And I'm sorry to be rude but this is just awful.

Ship Name(s): I don't even want to say them. (Thistlepaw or Spottedclaw)

Ship Rating: 0/10

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