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To say Wonwoo was intimidated would be an understatement. The boy was terrified.The advisor told him to follow this scary looking man to the training grounds and what was he gonna do? Say no?

The captain was wearing a dark grey dress shirt and some black pants. But the thing that caught him off guard was the fact that he had a huge scar across his face and those blood red eyes staring straight into his soul. Wonwoo gulps and follows the man as soon he starts walking.

When they arrive at the grounds, Jihoon leads him to the middle and stares blankly at him.

Wonwoo, obviously uncomfortable, clears his throat.

"So uh-" He starts but is quickly cut off.

"Lee Jihoon, 23, captain of the royal guards."

Not knowing what to say back, he answers, "Oh... nice." Wonwoo internally slaps himself.

Jihoon raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

"Oh right- I'm-"

"Jeon Wonwoo, 18." Jihoon answers for him.

Wonwoo blinks. "How did you-"

"What's your power, Wonwoo?"

"What?" He asks, his brain for some reason not taking in any information.

"Your power, Wonwoo." Jihoon says.

"Oh." Wonwoo finally says and takes off his glasses. "Well, my eyesight is pretty enhanced I guess?"

Jihoon uncrosses his arms and walks behind the boy. "Alright, let's test that shall we?" Wonwoo turns around and sees a target painted in bright red standing on one side of the court.

"Wonwoo, I want you to focus on the target over there." He points. "On it is a letter from the alphabet and I want you to tell me what it is."

The young boy scoffs. "What are you my optome-" He turns to the shorter to say the snarky comment but quickly regrets doing so as the man is full on glaring at him with those blood red slitted eyes. Wonwoo quickly coughs and mumbles 'sorry'.

He looks at the target and focuses on it. To no avail, he sees no letter anywhere on the target.

"Hey uhh, not to be rude or anything- but are you shitting on my dick right now- because I don't see any-"


Wonwoo whips his head around and catches the arrow before it spears through his head. His eyes go slightly cross-eyed as he stares with wide eyes at the tip of the arrow and let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

His head slowly turns at the captain and he sees the smuggest smirk he had ever seen painted on his face.

"Are you sure that's your only power, Jeon Wonwoo?"


"Oh my lord, Channie." Mingyu sighs as he lets his body drape on the kitchen balcony.

The prince takes a bite out of sandwich and nods.

"That was quite impressive, I have to admit." He says and takes another bite.

"It was, but- what if he hadn't caught the arrow? Pretty boy could've been dead by no- hmp!"

Chan stuffs his sandwich into the chef's mouth to shut him up.

"You've only known him for a day Gyu, and you're already head over heels for him. I'm impressed with adding to the fact that you've also never talked to him."

Mingyu spits out the sandwich and mumbles 'it's cold'. "Thanks? I guess?"

Chan gives him a bright smile and slaps him on the back to which the taller man yelps.

"No problemo! Now make me another sandwich that one was colder than a Satrin." Mingyu rolls his eyes and says 'aye aye' before heading to the kitchen.

heartstrings • seventeen auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat