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The maids and butlers quickly scatter as they hear the footsteps of the royal advisor. They all greet him a good morning and carry on with their routine. The advisor simply smiles and continues his way to his destination.

The staff open the curtains to the giant-sized windows and allow the natural sunlight to flow in. He goes towards one of the balconies and opens it. He takes in a deep breath of air and lets it all out. The sunlight shining through his locks and glimmer in his eyes was enough for anyone to swoon if they were to ever to look in his direction.

Once he finishes, he closes the balcony door and continues his walk.

"Soonyoung!" He turns his head and he lights up. Soonyoung stops in his tracks as Hansol runs to catch up to him.

"Darn, I haven't seen you since two days ago! What happened?" Hansol lays his hand on his shoulder. Soonyoung chuckles and shakes his head.

"Don't worry Hansol, I was just busy and all y'know? Trying my best to convince the public that Minghao didn't actually die." He says and Hansol laughs while he mutters out an 'i see'.

"Oh! In the topic of Minghao, do you mind telling Gyu to cook up his favourite mushroom soup?" He asks.

"Not at all." Hansol responds happily.

"Thanks 'Sol, and tell one of the maids to bring it up to his room once it's prepared." The younger nods and sets off.

Soonyoung turns back to his route direction but only to be faced with a short black haired man.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Kwon." He raises his eyebrows with an unimpressed glance down at the younger. "Mr. Lee."

"Fancy seeing you here out and about." He says with a smug smile. "Indubitably, Mr. Lee." Soonyoung responds with a fake british accent that Jihoon can't help but chuckle at.

"Well I am gonna check up on the king, since y'know he passed out during one of the kingdom's biggest ceremonies in history." He says.

"I see, well I," He says as he points to a group of horses outside the window. "-Am gonna go to the stables to make sure the horses are still able to neigh." Jihoon says sarcastically to which Soonyoung laughs.

'Well then, Mr. Lee, I'll be making my way." Soonyoung says formally whilst bowing and putting a hand over his chest.

"And so will I." The younger says, mirroring his actions.

Jihoon turns to look to both of sides. Once he sees the coast is clear, he grabs onto Soonyoung's shoulders to pull him down and give him a kiss on the forehead. Which catches the elder completely off-guard making him slightly dizzy. However, before he even had time to react, Jihoon was already off and nowhere to be seen.

Soonyoung smiles and shakes his head.

Typical Jihoon.

Though Jihoon was one of the fearsome royals in the palace, him being the captain of the royal guards and all, he did have his soft spot for a certain someone.

Soonyoung finally arrives at the king's bedroom and opens the door wide.

"Rise and grind, King!" He yells out happily, which only elicits a groan from the bed. Soonyoung makes his way to the closed curtain on the other side of the room and opens it.


The bed sheets move and are tossed to the floor. Streaks of sunlight reveal the boy under the aready tossed bed covers. "It's too early.." Soonyoung huffs and crosses his arms.

"You've been in bed for at least 28 hours Hao." Minghao looks at him confusedly through his tired eyes.

"What? No I haven't," He denies. The elder raises an eyebrow and pulls out a copy of a local newspaper. The headline reads 'NEW KING PASSES OUT DURING CORONATION' in big bold lettering.

Minghao's eyes are wide as saucers. He snatches the newspaper from Soonyoung's clutches and reads through the front page.

"I-I passed out during the coronation?" He says as he slowly lowers the paper. Soonyoung nods. Minghao is distressed at this point and slowly starts to panic. "I-I- what- I- the-"

Soonyoung presses his finger between his lips.

"Shhh young one, I've everything under control." Minghao pushes his finger away roughly and raises his eyebrow. Soonyoung walks to the previously opened curtains and ties them up to the side.

"I've already confronted the press telling them that you didn't die out of nowhere," He states.

"And me and Mingyu have come up to a conclusion on our plan." The elder while turning around to face him and waving his hand swiftly. A slight breeze passes through the room, extinguishing the lit candles in the bedroom.

Minghao looks at him with an even more confused expression.

"Plan? What plan?" Soonyoung smiles.

"We've decided to hire some new stafff members and," He pauses for dramatic effect.

"We'll be getting you a personal royal guard!"

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