Chapter 8

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Connor sat back in his chair. He watched the teacher as she wrote things on the board. Valentine's Day was long over but he still looked at the note that had come with the rose, that he'd kept, often. Who? And why? Maybe the rumour of his secret admirer was actually true. He snuck a look at his phone and judging by his recent post, Jared had too. Connor's eyes scanned the post, averting them as soon as he read a few... interesting sentences:

Did you hear the rumour? The rumour that Michael and Connor might actually 'like' each other? I believe it. 😉 Do you? 😏 Of course, it is just a rumour but...

Connor shot a look in Jared's direction, surprised when he met the boy's gaze. Jared was smirking. Connor glared and turned back to face the board. "Yo, Jakey," said a voice behind him. "Did you see Jared's tweet?" Connor didn't have to look behind him to know the owner.

"I did," Jake whispered back to Rich, and Connor felt his face heat up. "Do you believe the rumours?" Rich let out a laugh.

"Oh Jake, I believe them. I think we all do to a point." Connor pulled at his long hair, frustrated.

"There is nothing between us," he whispered fiercely, not about to reveal anything. The two boys merely blinked.

"Oh, hey, look, he's denying it." Connor glared at him. "Yet, his face says otherwise." Connor blinked before covering the red part of his face.

"F**k you, Rich," he murmured before turning away to face the front. But Rich wasn't finished.

"So, Connor," he said, bringing his face close to his. "Does Michael excite you sexually?" Connor was shocked but he glared.

"NO! WHAT THE F**KING HELL RICH?!" He kept his voice low, knowing the teacher was probably watching them. "Why the f**k would you ask that?!" Rich giggled but said no more. Connor felt frustrated, embarrassed, and called out. He turned back around and tried to clear his head. The teacher went on. At the end of the lesson he shot one last glare and Rich and Jake and walked off.

"Oh Connor," a voice said as he passed a corner. He turned.

"Oh, Jeremy. What are you doing here?" He asked, a casual smile on his face. Jeremy smiled in return and gazed at him.

"Michael was looking for you," he said, smile morphing into a smirk. Connor couldn't hold down a grin.

"He was? What did he want to find me for?" He asked, maybe a bit too eagerly. Jeremy grinned himself, though it was more of a big smirk.

"He wanted to talk 'bout something I don't know." He suddenly blinked, his face going red. Connor glanced behind him. He smiled.

"Jeremy, I hear there's a play going on. I'm going to join it. Just letting you know." Christine did an about turn and waltzed off in the opposite direction.

"There you are!" An excited voice said causing Connor to whip his head around.

"Hey Mikey!" He said, without really thinking about it. Michael's face turned a delicate shade of pink.

"H-hey." Jeremy had walked off. Connor looked at him.

"What did you want to talk about? Jeremy said so."

"Oh... that... I actually only told him that. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to see you again."

Connor felt himself blush. Had he accepted what feeling he felt? Yes. He had. Had he told anyone? No. This was his secret for now. Connor smiled.

"O-Oh... heh... I wanted to see you again too."

Untitled // Crossover AU // Connor Murphy x Michael MellWhere stories live. Discover now