Chapter 6

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Connor watched his classmates receive Valentine's gifts. He didn't expect to get anything, he never had. He saw Evan smiling at a rose with a note attached. Connor had a pretty good idea who it was from. His gaze travelled over to Alana, who was reading a note attached to a box of chocolates. "Wow," she was saying. "Never thought that'd be possible. And I'm quite smart." Connor snickered. He had a feeling he knew who the gift was from as his gaze travelled over Jared. The boy was smiling softly, an expression he didn't usually have.

"Connor Murphy?" Connor straightened when he heard his name.

"Over here!" Christine, who was handing out the gifts, walked over holding a red rose. Connor stared at it. Surprised.

"I believe this is yours," she said, handing him it. She walked off and Connor looked at the tag. It had a cheesy romantic line on it but that wasn't what he was focusing on. He was transfixed on the 'From:'. It's from Anonymous? Who could that be? He found himself thinking. He'd never gotten a Valentine before.

"What's that?" Evan asked curiously, making Connor jump.

"I think it's.... a Valentine," he replied, gazing at the note in disbelief. "From who, I don't know."

"Oh, it is?" Jared asked, walking over. "Oh yeah. Looks like one." Connor looked at them both. "'Anonymous'? Ooh hoo."

"What are you thinking Jared?" Connor asked, annoyed. The boy smirked.

"Remember when I said you have a secret admirer?" Connor thought about it. He'd pushed it to the back of his mind, as he didn't believe it. "And you denied the fact you might have one?"

"Well, I didn't deny it to you. That was my sister."

"She told me."

"What are you even getting at?"

"Well~, you got a Valentine didn't you? What are you thoughts now?" Connor blinked. He returned his gaze to the note.

"It might... actually.. be true?" Jared twirled around.

"Our little Connie is growing up!" Connor and Evan shot him a look. Connor, while the other two weren't looking, glanced at Christine and then Michael.

"Michael Mell, I have a delivery for you!" Christine said, placing the gift in front of the boy. Michael cleaned his glasses and gazed at the gift. He started smiling. He glanced in Connor's direction and their eyes locked. Connor blinked, breaking the eye contact. The class had faded away there for a second. He turned back to his gift.

"Connor, are you good? Your face is very red.." Evan asked, genuinely concerned. Connor blinked.

"Oh yeah. I'm great!" He said. He looked at the wall.

"Oh sure, he's fine," Jared added. "But also very gay." He whispered the final sentence. Connor felt his face heat up.

"Is he? How so?" Jared whispered the answer in Evan's ear, but Connor could still hear it loud and clear.

"How so? Well, by his obvious crush on-" Connor stood up and he left the classroom. I need air.

Untitled // Crossover AU // Connor Murphy x Michael MellWhere stories live. Discover now