Chapter 1

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Connor walked through the halls of the high school. "Connor! Over here!" Connor turned and walked in the direction of the voice. Soon, he came up to a shorter boy in a striped blue top and another boy with dark brown hair. Evan and Jared. "Have you seen any of the newcomers?"

"No, I haven't." He replied, shaking his head. Jared looked at him.

"Okay then," he said. Evan glanced at them.

"I think I've seen one, but I was too nervous to approach him," he said. His brown eyes gazed around.

"What did he look like?" Jared asked. Evan glanced at floor.

"He was quite tall and lanky, his hair was gingery brown. He was wearing a blue, red, and white striped top. And over that was a blue jacket," Evan described. Then, he blinked. "S-speak of the d-devil." Connor turned around. A boy matching the description Evan described was looking at them. Jared walked forward.

"Hello, you must be new, I'm Jared Kleinman, this is Connor Murphy and that is Evan Hansen." He pointed to the boys as he called out their names. The boy shakily shook their hands.

"I'm Jeremy Heere," said the boy, looking shy. "I was just looking for my friend. His name is Michael."

"We haven't seen him, Sorry," Connor said. "We'll let you know if we do, though." Jeremy gave a curt nod.

"Thanks." Jeremy turned around.

"It was nice to meet you Jeremy."

"You too." He walked off. Connor turned back to the others.

"Shall we get going?"

"Let's go."

After a while, Jared decided to pipe up. "So, Con, what did you think of Jeremy?" Connor rolled his eyes.

"I know what you're doing, Jared. He's nice, but that's all. You'll know when I... you know. Let's just keep walking." Jared suddenly halted and Connor craned his neck to see what he was staring at.

Alana Beck.

Connor and Evan smiled, but they said nothing. Alana walked over to them and Connor saw Jared's cheeks turn redder. Again, he said nothing. "Hey Alana,"
Connor said. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to congratulate Evan on his win in an essay competition," she said, smiling. "And on his relationship with Zoe." Connor felt the prick of jealousy but he didn't show it.

"Thanks, Alana," Evan mumbled. "Speaking of, have you seen her?"

"I have, actually, but she's busy at the moment."


"But don't worry, I'm sure you'll see her soon." Alana walked in the opposite direction. The boys walked into the classroom. Connor half-listened to the teacher throughout the lesson.

"That was boring as s**t," he muttered as they walked out.

"I don't think anyone likes school," Evan replied, grimacing. "But we have to go through it."

"Luckily we're in our final year."

"But then there's college."

"We could NOT go to college." Connor pretended he couldn't hear the two boys as they fought over that. A little while later they were coming out of another classroom when a boy was racing toward them. He barreled into Connor and Connor caught the boy in his arms.

"Woah there! You could've hurt yourself!" The boy opened his eyes and looked up.

Their eyes met.

Wow, his eyes are a really pretty brown... Connor found himself thinking. The boy in his arms blinked and quickly removed himself from the grasp. His whole face was a red, blushing mess. "HOLY F**K! IM SO SORRY!!" Connor felt himself smile. Cute.

"It's okay... I'm Connor." The boy glanced up at him.

"I-I'm M-Michael..." The boy replied. Connor let a small laugh.

"Nice to meet you." Connor had completely forgotten about Jared and Evan.

Jared smirked and elbowed Evan.

Untitled // Crossover AU // Connor Murphy x Michael MellWhere stories live. Discover now