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"I think that's a good idea." She said with a smile before she looked over at Aubrey who nodded his head, smiling as well. Thembi still looked unsure, but nodded her head anyways. Shawn sighed as he looked over at Beyonce who was gripping her fork so tight her knuckles were turning red, her hazel eyes trained on Onika who had turned to whisper in Aubrey's ear as she combed her hand through his hair.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." Shawn mumbled as he leaned into her.

"What about you, Beyonce? You coming?" Candi asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes as she looked over at Beyonce. She clenched her teeth as she looked at Candi.


Candi's eyes widened slightly at her answer and Onika stopped what she was doing with Aubrey at the answer as well. She looked at Beyonce and bit her lip as the older girl refused to meet her eyes. "Why not, Bey? It'll be fun." She questioned as she leaned across the table towards her. Beyonce stabbed her salad before looking up at her.

"Stop it, Beyonce." Onika frowned and whispered through clenched teeth.

"Maybe you should ask him to do that the next time he's handling it." Beyonce used air quotes around her words before she grabbed her tray and rose to her feet. "You know what? On second thought, I'll be there. I think it will be fun." She said with a smirk before she turned and walked away from the table with her barely eaten salad.

The table was silent for a few moments as Aubrey looked over at Onika, confused. She lowered her eyes to her tray and pushed her food around pretending not to feel all of their eyes on her. The color had returned to her face full force and she was actually flushed from Beyoncé's words. She was even a little hot and bothered because it had been a good two weeks since the last time she was spanked and she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss Beyoncé's palm against her backside.

"What in the world was she talking about?" Aubrey finally asked through the silence.

" Um... I have no idea." Onika said softly with a shake of her head though she kept her eyes down. Everyone at the table could tell she was lying. Aubrey frowned and his shoulders slumped slightly as he watched her longer while Candi quickly brought up another topic for them to talk about.

The rest of the week went pretty much the same way. Onika and Beyonce ignored and avoided each other the best they could.

Saturday came quickly and Candi set up her home with chips, drinks and cookies. She moved her coffee table so that they all had room to sit on the floor with each other and put on some music before Thembi showed up at her door. She smiled and allowed her in. She went right to the table that was full of food and she shook her head before moving to open the door again, allowing Aubrey and Onika inside next.

Shawn and Beyonce followed half an hour later and the group sat in the middle of her living room, talking and laughing with each other just like old times. Candi smiled because Beyonce seemed content to talk with Shawn and even Thembi while Onika spent her time with Aubrey on the other side of the room. They weren't talking to each other but at least they weren't glaring and sending out snippy remarks to each other like they had done all week at school when they weren't avoiding each other.

"Okay let's play a game!" Candi said as she clapped her hands together, getting everyone's attention. She watched Beyonce roll her eyes but choose to ignore her. They sat around and played Uno for a good hour and Candi tried to stop herself from grinning as Beyonce and Onika even spoke to each other during the game. Maybe they could actually be friends again.

A few hours later Beyonce looked over the half eaten junk spread across Candi's table before someone slid up next to her. "I don't think she has anymore Coffee Rio candy, Shawn." She said with a shake of her head.

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