Babby on the run

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She was gone again. No doubt that if my wife were still walking amongst the world of the living she would have quite the words for my miss handling towards our child. In no means do I ignore my child? if anything I provide any and all needs that she could possibly require. That being said while going through the motions of prepping a bottle for her hourly feeding I'm faced with an empty crib.

As any parental figure would, I become worried.

Where could my little one have gotten to? How is she getting out of her crib? One would think with such short stubby legs that she would not have gone so far. Yet, with each passing day, my child proves me wrong. An so the search begins.

Last time I had found her amongst a pile of umbrellas, sandals, and lamps. More than likely chasing Kasa-obake, Bakezōri, and Chōchin-obake. Which leaves me to believe she's once again walking, it's more like waddling, around the manor seeking out yokai. The manor is so big and full of different spirits that she could be anywhere, with anyone. 

I hurry my pace in order to cover as much ground in areas she wouldn't or couldn't be, just to make sure. I even invoke the help of my clan members to keep an eye out and inform me immediately of her whereabouts. As worrisome as the situation may be, if Simmone was in the company of our lands spirits then she is safe. The spirits, within and out of the manor, are quite smitten with my child. I, being her primary and only parent, wish to know her whereabouts and dietary regimen is being followed at specific times before she's sent out to play. 

Ida- san was right. A baby monitor would be a wonderful investment for events such as this. 

Tales of a first time fatherМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя