chapter thirty-two

Start from the beginning

"So what happened when you were downing all that soju that one time after the fair? Who hurt you?" he asks, chuckling.

I laugh, "Shut up, that was soju. Soju has magical powers."

He laughs for a few moments before quieting down, clearing his throat. "So birthday girl, how does it feel to be 22?"

I shrug, "Eh, the same as my last birthdays."

"Well, you aren't sober anymore."

"I haven't been sober since last year, Jungkook."

He hums, "And how does that feel?"

I shrug, tapping my wine glass with the fingernail. "I don't really know. I try not to have too much though. I don't want to end up being addicted."

He smiles, nose scrunching up. "Awh, that's cute."

I raise an eyebrow. "How is that cute?"

He shrugs, sipping his water. "You're just cute in general." I press the back of my fingers against my mouth, hiding a smile.

The waiter comes by with a large tray, two steaming bowls of Japchae on top. He sets the mouth watering dishes down in front of us, and we thank him as he bows and turns away.

The food looks good, but the aroma itself smells like death.

I gulp, starting to regret my decisions. "I don't know if this was the best-"

I get cut off by the sound of Jungkook slurping up the noodles. I look up and he winks, lips already quivering. "This," he pauses, wiping his mouth, "is amazing."

I look back at the bowl of Japchae in front of me, twirling some noodles onto the fork. Here goes nothing.

I put the noodles into my mouth and immediately regret it.

"Jungkook," I say, lips trembling. He looks up, face turning red, "We're so stupid."

He bursts out into laughter, which is cute at first.

Then he proceeds to choke.

My eyes widen, "Jungkook!"

He gulps some water, holding a hand up. "I'm o-" he hiccups, "okay."

I laugh, setting my fork down as I watch him shovel more noodles into his mouth. "Stop eating so much, Gguk. It's too spicy."

He looks up, face and lips red, tears running down his face, lips trembling, "Spicy? Nah, it's not spicy at all."

I smack my forehead, sighing. "Jungkook-"

"I'm strong."


"I can handle this. I'm a man."


He wipes his tears away, "This is a piece of cake."


"Yes, princess?"

"I think that's enough Japchae for you."

After a moment, he sets his fork down. "Why are we like this?"

I laugh, "I really don't know."

The waiter comes by again, a grin plastered on his face. "How's the food?"

Jungkook gives him a thumbs up as he gulps down more water. I smile, "It's delicious. It's just a little spicy."

He chuckles, "A little spicy, huh?" Jungkook and I both nod in response.

The waiter chuckles again, "I can take it back and get you another meal, if you like."

"No, we're okay," Jungkook says, "but could you please give me some more water?"

He nods. "Yes of course."

The waiter walks away, and I smile to myself, wiping my mouth.

Jungkook notices and starts smiling, too. "Why are you smiling?"

"I can't believe we actually came to a fancy restaurant just to order some really flipping spicy Japchae."

He grins, "Well we're having fun, aren't we?"

I nod, "Of course we are."

"Everything's fun when I'm here," he winks.

{ A / N }

currently listening to cat and dog by txt
i can't stop listening to this song what the heckk

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