April Fools' Day One-Shot

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Jk: It's April Fools' Day!! And I'm not much of a jokester on this day, but I wanted to make a one-shot!!

Mystic: A real one this time?

Max: The question should be, "An actual one this time?"

Jk: Yup! Hopefully!! I really hope so because I have a pretty good idea for it!! Though, I might've taken this from a webdrama and this one from a comic I saw and shoved the two together, or it was just one webdrama... But I mean, it's like a fanfic! You take someone's idea and recreate it but alter it to make it a little different! ^^

Drew: So stealing?

Jk: Not stealing. Borrowing.

Kait: Plagiarism?!

Jk: No! Wait... Is it? Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't even April Fools in the webdrama. It was literally just a boy t- Wait! I'm going to spoil it! So basically I'm going to be writing... Drumroll please!!

Everyone who's nice: *drumrolls*

Jk: Karma and I.... *blushing*

Mystic: Oh...

Wolf: My...

Thunder: Arceus!! Actually?!!

Jk: Yes... actually... It's someone's birthday and he likes JkXKarma, so it's like a birthday gift because I can't really give him a gift. So yeah! Happy Birthday! And I don't wanna say who just in case he (I know I revealed the gender) doesn't want his birthday to be known by other people, and I'm not asking permission beforehand because I'm doing this as surprise gift for him!! So just let me know in the comments or PM me if it's okay to reveal it! I'll reveal it in the comments if you say yes!! ^^

Jay: I can't believe this is happening...

Jk: Well it is... And I have a feeling I'm going to regret this, but it's for my friend! I hope you have a fantastic birthday by the way!! ^^

A/N: I actually do write a lotta JkXKarma stuff... I'm sorry to you guys who don't really care about the ship lol. If you do ship it, then you're welcome! And also, I'll try to update ASAP but my teachers have been killing me with homework lately.... *sighs* 38 days left of school... (excluding weekends) You got this.

Drew: Ummm... who?

Grace: The fourth wall!

Jk: Ah! Sorry!! Also, I know there's someone dying to join in this book but I don't really have much material to write the next chapter! I do have a few dares but I don't think the chapter will be as long, so help the girl out and give me lots of good dares!!

Jay: Now, let's start!!

Jk: Hey! That's my line!


(Jk's POV)

First thing in the morning, I heard music blast out of my phone. I turned over and hit 'Snooze' and fell back to sleep. Ten minutes later, I woke up to the sound of the stupid alarm. I groaned and tossed and turned in bed. This repeated for another three times, until I let out a loud groan. I finally started to get out of bed. I walked into the restroom and washed up. Then, I walked to my closet and opened it. I pulled out my school uniform and put it on. I looked in the mirror and fixed my outfit. I had a grey button-up cardigan and a white shirt with the collars folded. I wore a green, blue necktie and a grey skirt. One thing I hated about my school, girls have to wear skirts...

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.


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