Germany / Italy

319 5 5

This ship is really popular, and probably the most well-known ship in the Hetalia fandom. It's actually very cute, in my opinion. But perhaps a bit overrated.

Germany: Overrated? Vhat do you mean? Zhere's nothing going on between us!

Italy: Uh... *squints*

Germany: Nothing at all?

Italy: *laughing randomly* You're so funny when you do stuff like that!

Germany: L-like vhat? 

Italy: Go into total denial! It's so funny!

France: Well, I don't think it is so funny! In fact, it is the opposite! I am impatient, you two! Come on! Do something!

Germany: Zhis isn't even your chapter! Get out!

France: It is not like I am hurting anyone...

Italy: ...

Germany: Very vell, you may stay, but if you continue to talk I will kill you.

Italy: Germany, you wouldn't really?

France: *grumbles to self*

Germany: Probably not.

Italy: Good, because France is like my big brother! I would cry if anyone killed him!

Germany: I won't kill him.

Italy: Yay! Let's celebrate with pasta!

I rate: 5/10 

Germany rates: 8/10

Italy rates: PASTA/10

France: 10/10

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