Chapter 9: A Good Life

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Chapter 9: A Good Life

A/N: Well guys the day has finally come. It has been a long time coming but this is the final chapter of the story as the title suggests. I told yall this wouldn't be very long though it did turn out longer than I expected mostly cause my fiancé begged for more. But this is the last one and I hope you all like the ending. Don't fear though this won't be the end of me writing real life setting stories. My fiancé loves them and I like pleasing him and I actually do have a new one in mind. This one will be kibanaru and they will start already dating but things happen hehe. That's all you guys get for now. So without further adieu, enjoy!


Time skip 90 years pov change- 3rd person

It has been 90 years since those two had gotten married. In the span of their lives they shared lots of love and cared wonderfully for their children. They ended up having 4 children 2 girls, the older 2, and 2 boys, the younger 2.

Their daughters were named Lilith, the oldest, and Astril. They named their sons Roger and Salem. They had both been super successful in their careers. Kiba had risen quickly through the police ranks. He was awarded many decorations of honor having done many great services for Konoha. He eventually was even given the police chief position though he gave it to someone in more need of the money and benefits it entitled him having plenty of family money and Blaine being very successful as well.

Blaine became in an English teacher at the local highschool. He was very loved by all of his students and was awarded teaching awards for all he did. He also took up writing and wrote about his and Kiba's life together. He became a published author and his book served to spread awareness about the humanity of the LGBT community. They both always cherished each other in all they did.

The two spent 70 amazing years together. They loved each other through every little spat, through every minor conflict, and through every hardship. All of their kids went on to be happy and successful as well.

POV change Roger 1st person

I decided to make a trip to dads' graves. We buried them right next to each other in an open field graveyard. Dad would've loved to come here and hang out. I can see it now Dad running around like a child while Daddy shakes his head and reads his book with a smile on his face.

I laid the flowers and dog biscuits, a funny little joke I had with daddy that dad was more dog, and sat back remembering all the good times with them.

Suddenly I heard the crunch of footsteps behind me and turned to see my sisters and brother there. I raised my hand and waved at them. They came over and laid their own flowers down. "Well look what we have here. Police chief Lilith, Dr. Astril, and investigator Salem. To what do I owe the pleasure," I said with a huge smile.

"Oh are we bringing titles into this huh? Professor Roger," she teased. We all laughed and hugged despite us all being old as well Lilith and Astril in their 70s me and roger in our 50s. "Are you ever gonna retire sis?" I asked Lilith. "Nope dad stayed an officer till he died and besides I'm only behind a desk," she scoffed.

I laughed then looked at their decorated graves again. "I can't believe it's been 20 years since they passed," I said. "Yeah it is hard to think but they were proud of us and they went how they wanted to go," Salem said.

Dad had stayed up for as long as possible but one day he just got so tired. We took him to the hospital and the next day he just slipped away. Daddy was so sad and depressed without him and fell ill from it. He passed only a week after Dad.

"Daddy always said he would follow Dad anywhere. It included death I guess," Astril said. I looked to all of them and all I could see was Dad. All of them were his spitting image then I think about myself and how often I was mistaken for daddy. I guess Dad loved me so much cause I was daddy's spitting image just like daddy love them all for their looks. But I know they loved all of us equally.

"So what made you guys come here today?" I asked. "Their anniversary. It's November 3rd. The day they got together," Lilith said. "Oh yeah I guess it is. Funny I didn't even think of that. I just come here every other week and this was that time," I said.

We all sat there reminiscing for a while then left to our respective families. We all had grandchildren that loved coming to see us. When I look back on my life growing up and hearing about our fathers' lives only one thing comes to mind.

What a good life. All of us. What a really awesome life.


A/N: Well there it is the final ending of this story. Damn it feels good to put a complete notice on this story. It has been such a great road writing this. I know it isn't my most loved story and really doesn't have all that many reading it but to the few that do thank you. Thank you to all of you amazing people for the support you have shown to this story. I look forward to bringing you more fanfics. I will never stop writing. I'm sorry the ending was so short but I feel this is the way it needs to end. Let me know in a review or pm what you thought of the ending or the story as a whole. So until next time. Cya!

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