Chapter 5: A Brush With Death

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Chapter 5: A Brush With Death

A/N: Hey guys another chapter for this so soon. I know I promised to update Saviors next but I'm gonna hold off on that for a little bit. In fact I'm gonna focus on finishing this story before I update my other ones. Sorry for the disappointment but I really wanna finish a story so I don't have so many weighing on my mind all the time. Once I finish this one I'll go back to my normal updates. Hope you enjoy!


I woke up groggily the next morning with Kiba shaking me. "C'mon love we have to go to school," he said kissing my cheek. "Ugh do I have to?" I groaned wanting to sleep in more. "Yes you do now get up," he said. "Grr fine I'm up," I growled. I got up and got dressed and so did he.

We went downstairs, ate some breakfast, and went to my car. I gave him the keys not feeling like driving right now. When we got there we both got out and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked into the school together. I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked and met up with Raven. I saw Naruto as he walked towards us and made up my mind about what I wanted to about what Kiba told me.

"Hey Blaine," he greeted. "Hi," I said. He went to hug me and I put my plan into action right then. As he got close I punched him quickly in the jaw and as he reeled back from the blow I followed him and grabbed his arm with a sweep to the leg knocking him on his ass. He laid there spread with his arm still in my grasp and I twisted it then rest the heel of my foot on his crotch roughly.

"Now I'm only gonna say this once so listen and listen good," I growled bending down into his ear. "Come near me or Kiba and try anything and I will end you. Got it? This is not a threat this is a promise. I gave you a chance and you threw it in my face. I have had enough of your bullshit. I'm with Kiba get the fuck over it," I said releasing him.

I walked back to Kiba and hugged him and he was staring agape at me. "What? He pissed me off," I said simply. "I didn't know you could fight," he said. "Well duh look at who my dad is," I said kissing his cheek. "What the hell was that for?!" Raven exclaimed. "Trying to break us up and threatening Kiba," I shrugged. "Oh," Raven said. Naruto was in the fetal position gripping his crotch crying.

We all walked away from him no sympathy showing. Kiba and me said goodbye at our first class and went about our day. We had lunch together and I laid on him the whole time enjoying being with him. We had one class period together today and we spent the whole time in there holding each other and staring into each other's eyes. I could always get lost in his deep chocolate eyes and I could see the love he held for me in them.

We promised to meet each other at the entrance after school so we could go back to my place. When the final bell rang I headed there and stood leaning on the door waiting for Kiba. He was taking a while so I got out my phone to pass the time. I sent him a quick text to hurry up and put it away. I saw a person walking out and I thought it was Kiba so I called out.

The person turned and walked towards me and when he got close my brain turned to ice. It was Naruto and he was holding something that made my heart stop. "How brave are you now hm? Do ya wanna try that again?" he stated coldly. "H-how do you have a pistol at school?" I stuttered freezing up. "I have my ways. Now are you gonna be a good little boy and hug me?" he growled coldly. Shakily I reached out my arms and let him hug me. He held the barrel of the gun to my neck as his other hand started to feel me up.

I let out a few sobs scared out of my mind and let a few shrieks for help out. He smacked me across the face for that and I only prayed that someone heard it. He went back to groping all over and started to unzip his pants. "Now you're gonna give me everything I want," he smirked evilly. "W-why?" I pleaded. "Because you denied me," he said with a shrug. "I can see why you and Kiba broke up," I spat. He slapped me again and growled.

"You don't know anything. He didn't break up with me I broke up with him. I was done with him. I used him to fuck me good but I got bored with him and moved on to another guy to give me a good dick. I never really cared for him," Naruto laughed. "YOU BASTARD! He deserved so much better than you. You such a fucking pussy that you need the fucking gun to take me," I shouted. "Heh so what? I'm about to mouth fuck you so you won't being talking anymore," I smiled evilly.

"KIBA HELP ME PLEASE!" I shouted one last time. He whipped me with the gun and as his hard dick got close and I wept hard.

Kiba POV

Shit I'm so late Blaine is gonna be pissed, I thought to myself as I fast walked towards the entrance. My last hour teacher held me back for a while because she wasn't satisfied with my work. She had me clean up the classroom and then I rushed out to meet my boyfriend.

As I was walking I thought about how much I loved him and couldn't wait to be with him again. As I was walking I heard a loud bang and I knew that sound. It was the sound of a gunshot but I didn't know why it would be here. Wait that came from the entrance. Blaine is there. OH PLEASE GOD NO IT CAN'T BE! PLEASE DON'T BE HIM, my brain yelled.

I took off sprinting towards the entrance as fast as humanly possible. I arrived to find a bloody mess in front of me. Naruto was on the ground gripping his bleeding crotch and Blaine was on his back smiling with a bloody mouth gripping a gaping gunshot wound in his stomach. "NO! FUCK NO PLEASE BE OK!" I shouted through tears rushing to his side kneeling hard.

"H-hey Kiba. What *cough* took you so long?" Blaine wheezed out. "Please don't die on me!" I cried. "I'll be fine I just *cough cough* need to get to the hospital," Blaine coughed out. "Right!" I said. I jumped into action and picked him up gingerly. I carried him to his car, laid him in the back seat, and jumped in the driver's seat.

I raced off to the hospital and burst through the emergency room with him in my arms. "SOMEBODY HELP ME! HE'S BEEN SHOT!" I screamed into the room. A doctor ran over, took him, and immediately started to check on him. They took him into a trauma room and started to work on saving him. Doctors came and asked me what happened and I told him I think that Naruto tried to rape him and he bit his dick off and in retaliation Naruto shot him in the stomach.

The doctors nodded and called the police to have them look for and arrest Naruto. I sat in the waiting room and waited for news on whether he would be ok or not. They came out and told me he was ok and I could see him now so I went up to his room and found him laying in bed. "Hey love how are ya?" I said sitting next to his bed. "Kiba! Oh thank god you're here. H-he tried..." Blaine started to cry. "Ssssshhhhhh its ok Blaine I saw the scene. I'm here now and everything will be ok," I promised holding his hand and kissing it.

"I'm kinda tired from everything. I'm gonna take a nap," Blaine said. "Ok love I'll be right here when you wake up," I promised. "Thanks Kiba. I love you so much," Blaine said. "I love you too Blaine forever," I said. "And always," he said. He closed his eyes and started snoring. I ran my hand through his hair smiling.

I know I shouldn't have done it but I stripped down and crawled into the bed with him. I cuddled him from behind and I could feel his breathing even out. I loved him and I'm glad he wasn't hurt too badly from this. I held him for awhile smiling. I decided I needed a nap from this too. I fell asleep with my chin on his head holding him close.


A/N: Well there it is! How was that chapter hm? Sorry about the big amount of action. I know it's a lot OOC for Naruto but I wanted him as the bad guy here cause it isn't often that it's done. So who feels bad for who? And it ain't over yet still more to happen. What's next for the happy couple? Until next time. Cya!

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