Chapter 3: Let the Competition Begin

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Chapter 3: Let the Competition Begin

A/N: Hey y'all I'm back! Miss me? Probably not but I'm back to give you the next chapter of my shit. So apparently y'all like this or something which really surprises me. Not sure why y'all like my stuff but hey keep asking and I'll keep supplying. So I know I said Saviors would be next to update but having some writers block on that one. I will have it out asap tho so don't worry. As always this is for my wonderful boyfriend Kiba love you man. So enough of my rambling shit and on the with the story. Enjoy!


I woke up the next day with a bright smile on my face. I had a dream last night about Kiba and I looked down to a noticeable tent in my boxers. "Damn. That dream was amazing though," I said out loud. I picked up my phone to see a text from Kiba. "Morning love. How'd ya sleep?" he texted. "I slept great. Thanx for asking. Hbu?" I texted back. "Great. Enjoy your day. Hope you'll still be texting," he said. "Of course. I gotta get ready. Naruto should be here soon. Ttyl," I said. "Cya. I love you," Kiba texted back. "I love you too," I said.

I put down my phone and stared at the ceiling. "He said he loves me," I breathed out. My brain shut down and I couldn't think for a minute. The only thing going through my mind at the moment was what he said. "I love you" played in my mind over and over. "I can't believe it. I just can't believe it," I repeated. A text from Naruto saying he's almost here knocked me out of my daydream.

I got up and threw on a nice black outfit. I grabbed my all of my stuff and went downstairs. I grabbed a quick drink then went outside to lean on my car. Naruto arrived a few minutes later in a pretty ok car. "Hey Naruto. How's it going?" I greeted. "Hey Blaine. I'm good. Ready for our date?" he asked.

"Naruto it isn't a date. It never was. It's just two friends hanging out. Besides I have a boyfriend now," I told him. "What?! Who?!" Naruto shouted obviously disappointed. "It's Kiba. He asked me out yesterday," I said defensively. "WHAT!? YOU AGREED TO DATE THAT COCKY FUCK!?" Naruto shouted. "Yes I did. If you can't accept that then maybe we shouldn't hang out today," I said turning around starting to walk back in.

"WAIT! I'm sorry. Please don't go," he called to me. "What Naruto?" I said stopping but not turning around. "Please hang out with me," Naruto pleaded. "Fine. But any funny business and I'm gone," I said walking back. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry for what I said," he apologized. "It's fine. So let's take my car. I love it so much," I said. "Alright," he said.

I tossed him my keys and we got in the car. He started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. He headed off towards downtown. "So where we going?" I asked. "I was gonna take you to my favorite ramen place in the whole town," Naruto said. "Sounds nice. I like ramen though probably not as much as you," I said with a smile. Naruto laughed aloud at that. "True. No one likes ramen more than me except maybe my mom. My dad and older brother usually will hide while we argue who likes it more. She usually gets me with the whole older thing," Naruto laughed while driving.

We sat in the car having small chit chat about this and that the whole way there. A few minutes later we pulled up to a little restaurant tucked away in a corner. It was more of a stand really like a kiosk you'd see at the mall but the smell emanating from it was heavenly. It was one of those small family owned place that you'd usually overlook but actually has the best food around.

Naruto parked and turned off the car. We got out and walked up to the counter. A beautiful young woman came out and took our order. Naruto ordered 5 bowls of miso pork and I ordered 2. As we ate I noticed that he could really put the stuff away. It was amazing how skinny he was with the way he's eating right now.

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