Chapter 8: A Wedding Like No Other

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Chapter 8: A Wedding Like No Other

A/N: Well here ya'll go another chapter of Finding Love. Definitely thinking of ending this at 10 chapters. I know not super long but it's exactly what I wanted to end it at and I know just how to end it. So enjoy the next few chapters before the ending Oh and this chapter is dedicated to my new fiancé. Yes Kiba proposed on Thursday so we are engaged now. So enjoy!


Today is the big day. I can't believe it I'm so excited right now. Today is the day of our wedding. We've been happily engaged for 3 years and now it is finally here. Though we already have our beautiful daughter together. We both finished college early having breezed through all of our courses. He just finished the police academy and is now an officer. I'm so proud of him. I got a job teaching English just like I wanted to and we are happy.

But even with all that this day is second only to the day our beautiful baby girl Lilith was born. Kiba's friend was the mother and Kiba was the father but I legally adopted her and she is the most precious thing. She looks just like him and she's a month old now. The look on his face was one of pure joy holding her for the first time. I love that look it's such a rare sight on him.

We took so much time into planning this day and we spared no expense on it. His whole rowdy Inuzuka bunch is here and my whole quiet collective bunch is here. It's gonna be amazing. One of those fairy tale moments ya know.

We decided to have a nice outdoor wedding. We chose this beautiful spot on a river and the trees made a nice background.

We decided that we would both be standing on the altar already. The priest went through the normal speech while we stood there looking deep into each others eyes reading the others love and want to be with each other. When it came to vows he went first and the whole time he was giving me that look again. The same look he had when Lilith was born now shown on his face looking at me.

"Blaine. I vow to always be yours no matter what. I vow to love you with every fiber of my being till the day I die. I vow to always be your partner and to cherish every second we have together. From the moment I first saw you in that hallway in school I knew you were the one for me. In that moment I saw this. Us being married and loving each other forever. You are my soul mate and I want you by my side forever. I love you Blaine," Kiba said his vows.

At this point I was almost in tears but then I was asked for mine and I knew I had to keep going. This was my big day and I have been looking forward to this for so long.

"Kiba. I vow to be your lover for all time. I went through so much to be yours and to have you all to myself and I will always do what ever it takes to keep you. I want you in my life till the day I die and I want to grow old with you. You are the love of my life, my alpha, my soul mate. My mate. I vow to always cherish you love and to thank everything there is that you chose me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was that the sexiest guy in the world and I need you forever. I vow on our beautiful daughter and any future kids to always be with you. I love you Kiba," Were my vows to him.

We both turned to the preacher after that and went a long with the rest of what she said repeating after her. Now it came to the big moment the grand finale.

"Do you Kiba Inuzuka take Blaine Yuhi to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live?" she said. "I do," Kiba said tears of joy falling still staring at me like I was the only thing in the world right now. "Do you Blaine Yuhi take Kiba Inuzuka as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in good time and bad, for as long as you both shall live?" she continued. "I do," I said with a slightly choked sob of happiness.

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