Chapter 7: Bump in the Road... Maybe

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Chapter 7: Bump in the Road... Maybe

A/N: Hey guys got another little update for you all. So like I said last time not really sure how much longer this on will last. This was kinda going off of an RP me and Kiba were doing but that one kinda ended now so I'm not sure how much more I'm gonna put in this from there but I do know that at this point there is still a bit more I can do. I think you'll like what happens here hehe. This chapter is gonna be literally like 70% straight from the rp. So enjoy!


Time skip 3 years.

Well here we are. College. Kiba and I are actually in college. Didn't think I would ever say that. We are both in our junior year of college right now and honestly things are going great. We got our own place together a nice little apartment. It's just me, him, and Akamaru.

It's so nice and peaceful and I wouldn't have it any other way. He's 21 and I'm 20 now and I couldn't be happier. It's coming up on our 3 year anniversary and I'm kinda nervous. So far we are just dating but I see the way he looks at his night stand sometimes. I wonder if he isn't planning something.

I keep wanting to take a look for myself to see what he's looking at but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm almost sure that there's an engagement ring in there but I don't want to get my hopes up. Being alone in the place together you wouldn't even come close to understanding the sex.

Since it's just me and him we don't have to worry about how long, loud, or where it happens which makes it all the more better. The other day it was the kitchen and god it was passionate and hot. So that out of the way it's time to say the real reason for this and what happened the weekend of our anniversary.

I had been gone to class all day that day and the only thing I could think about was getting home to him. We went to the same college but our fields keep us separate on a normal day and today he was home sick.

When class ended I started my long walk back home. When I got there I walked to our door and heard heated arguments inside. I cocked my head wondering who was here. I silently slipped my key into the lock and opened the door. The arguing stopped when I unlocked it and when I walked in Kiba was there and he wasn't alone.

There on the couch was a man with purple face paint and Kiba. But they weren't sitting separate like I thought they would. The man was on top of him Kiba and their lips were together in a kiss. Kiba's eyes were wide looking at me and right then my whole world stopped. "I see," I said softly.

Kiba mumbled something that I couldn't hear and I didn't want to hear. Tears were coming to my eyes and I couldn't hold back. "I-I'll leave you two then," I whispered. I turned around and heard Kiba scream, "BLAINE WAIT! KANKURO YOU FUCKING ASS!" I ran crying from the apartment running down the road.

A little down the road I felt a hand on my shoulder stop me and turn me around. "Blaine please! Listen to me!" Kiba pleaded. "Why!? Why should I!? You were kissing another man!" I shouted in tears. "I didn't! He kissed me the second you walked in! He was trying to break us up! He's been trying for a while now! He's an ex that's jealous of you just like Naruto was!" Kiba pleaded more.

At the mention of that name I stopped listening now. For the first time I could see blood on Kiba's hand. "Kiba you're bleeding!" I shouted concerned. "No I'm not," he said looking down. "But the blood," I said. "Not mine. I broke his nose," Kiba said clenching his fist. "I love only you Blaine. Please believe me," he said.

I looked down torn not knowing what I thought. I looked back up into his eyes searching for anything sign that I shouldn't but I found none. "Why was he doing that?" I asked. "Cause he wanted me but I kept telling him no. I told him I only wanted you," Kiba promised. "Ok alpha I believe you. I'm sorry I doubted you," I said.

"It's ok Blaine. I know how that must've looked. Especially after all we've been through to be together," Kiba smiled. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I love you Kiba," I said. "I love you too Blaine," he smiled.

We walked back to the apartment and I saw the blood from his nose. "Damn you really did break his nose," I commented. "Of course he was way out of line. Wonder where he went," Kiba wondered scratching his cheek. "I just hope we don't see him again," I said.

Time skip 1 day

The next day we woke up peacefully. Today we were going on a date for our anniversary. Kiba had something planned I just knew it. He had a big date planned and he was always checking his watch. First he took me to this big romantic movie to.

The movie was pretty good I enjoyed resting on him as it played. The next stop we walked to the park and walked around for a while. All the time he just kept checking his watch. We walked by a carnival and he insisted on doing some rides together and some games. We did the water shooting game and I failed miserably at it while he won a huge teddy bear. Of course him being him he gave it to me. So the rest of the time I was carrying that with me.

Our next stop was a super romantic dinner. The restaurant he took me to had a fireplace and no one else was there. He was still checking his watch even though I thought he would propose here he didn't. We just ate by the fire with sensual candles lit. He smiled so big at me at that dinner. He looked as if he was staring at the most beautiful thing in the world. I couldn't help the blush I got from that.

He didn't have anywhere else planned so we just walked around. We ended up walking through down town and by now the sun was setting so it was a brilliant orange out lighting the sky like a fire. "Kiba this has been so amazing. I love you," I said hugging him.

"I'm not done yet. I've been trying to find the best way to ask and you know me. Can't ever do anything half-assed. So here is how I'm doing it. Look up," he said smiling. I looked up and heard the sound of a plane. A second later balloons started raining down of all colors and a few caught my eye. I saw ones that fell spelling out, "Blaine will you marry me?" I looked down and saw Kiba on one knee in front of me.

"Blaine Yuhi you have made me the happiest I have ever been the last few years. I have loved you so much in that time and I want to keep loving you for all time. I'm here now cause I want to ask. Will you be mine for the rest of our life? Will you make me even happier than I am now? Will you marry me and be mine?" Kiba said with a huge smile.

My hands came to my face when I saw him on one knee. Even though I figured he was going to I never imagined he'd do it like this. I nodded my head tears falling unable to speak. "YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU!" I shouted regaining myself. He stood up quickly and slipped a silver band encrusted with an alternating diamond and sapphire pattern. It was beautiful. "Sapphire cause your birthstone," he smiled. He slipped a similar one with rubies on his finger and hugged me close. We kissed passionately and walked home.

The whole way there I couldn't stop smiling and holding onto him. I was happier than could be that he was now mine forever. Nothing would stop us from being together. For once. I was actually right.


A/N: OK another chapter down. How was it? Bad? Good? I thought the date and proposal was like bursting with cute and cheesy in the right amounts here. Damn when I get going with the romance damn. I am a hopeless romantic if y'all can't tell. Just ask my boyfriend Kiba he knows. So as always fave, follow, review and until next time. Cya!

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