A Date or Two

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Chapter 2: A date or Two.

A/N: Yo guys what up? So I know in Anbu I promised the time travel to be updated next but I just wasn't feeling it at the moment and my boyfriend Kiba (yes that's his actual name and I love it) really wanted to know what was gonna happen so I said what the hell. With this one I don't write it out first so it isn't all that much trouble to do real quick. So the title kinda gives it away of what's gonna happen but you'll see. Oh and quick thanx to the few that reviewed always love seeing that especially cause a few of them were good friends and great writers themselves. Oh btw from here on out text messages will be in italics. So enough of my rambling (I tend to do that a lot) and enjoy!


The rest of the day was pretty boring. I went to the long ass classes, I mean who thought 4 periods at 90 minutes each was a good idea, the only one that was even slightly good was the one with Raven. The rest of the time I was bored as fuck except when I would pass Kiba in the hall and he'd flash me a cocky ass smile or when I was walking with Naruto and he'd casually brush up on me.

At lunch I quickly entered Kiba's info into my phone and texted him. "Hey good looking what class ya in?" I sent.I'm always flirtier and bolder while texting. "I'm at lunch cutie. Hbu?" he replied. "Oh same. You should come sit with me, Raven, and Naruto" I said. "Ok. Where ya guys sitting?" he asked. "At the back row of tables," I said. "Kk be there in a sec," he replied.

At that I put my phone down and looked at Raven. "What're you smiling at?" she asked. "Kiba's coming over to sit with us," I said blushing a little. "You're blushing. You like him don't you?" Raven poked. "I don't know maybe a little. I mean he's definitely good looking but I don't know anything about him yet," I said. "He's pretty good guy most of the time," Naruto said.

A few minutes later Kiba sat down next to me and flashed that bright toothy grin again. "Hiya," he said. "Hey," I said trying not to blush from him being practically on top of me again. "How's it going y'all?" he asked not taking his eyes off of me. "Good," the other two said. "Amazing," I said getting lost in his chocolate brown feral eyes.

Naruto poked me in the side to bring me back to reality. "Huh?" I said shaking my head back and forth. "Hey Blaine I was wondering if you maybe wanna hang out after school. Maybe dinner or something. I could show ya around town," Kiba offered. "That sounds nice Kiba. I'd love to," I said. "Cool meet me at the door after school," Kiba said. "Well I was gonna ask the same thing but nevermind now," Naruto sighed. "Oh tomorrow then Naru," I said. "Yay!" Naruto cheered.

I laughed at his goofiness and didn't see Kiba narrow his eyes at Naruto. "So anyways what brought ya here to Konoha?" Kiba asked. "I moved in with my dad here in town. He's a military instructor here and is very good at interrogations," I explained. "He can't be as good as Ibiki Morino though. That guys a legend," Kiba said in awe. "I guarantee my dad's as good as him," I laugh. "No possible way. How?" Kiba asked. "Because that is my dad," I burst out laughing.

Kiba paled a little at that. "Holy shit! Your dad is him?" Kiba said. "Yup he is. Intimidated?" I asked. "No of course not just I didn't know he had a kid," Kiba said.

"Most don't. He's afraid some rival military would abduct me if they knew," I said. "Oh that makes sense. He is pretty famous after all," Kiba said. "Yeah so I usually don't tell people," I said. "Well then why are you telling me?" Kiba asked. "I don't know. You seem pretty trustworthy," I said with a faint blush. "I'm glad you can trust me even though we just met," Kiba said.

We ate the rest of lunch with just meaningless chit chat. It was nice and companionable and I felt like for the first time I might make some real friends and could be happy. The last two periods today were really boring without anyone around to talk to. Not knowing a lot of people kinda sucked sometime but I always got used to it.

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