Chapter 7 - Ethan Hunt

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"Can you open the door?" Ethan asked as he crouched on the grass landscape.
"Ethan?" William asked over the com. "Where are you?"
"I'm by the plane" Ethan replied. "Benji can you open the door?"
"Can I open the door uhhh" Benji replied.
He checked the tablet. "Maybe"
Ethan started running towards the plane
"Open the door when I tell you!"
Ethan jumped off the hill onto the plane wing.
He got up and walked more on the plane.
Ethan slide off of the wing and onto a side panel next to one of the plane doors.
"I'm on the plane, open the door" Ethan said.
"How did you get in the plane?" Benji asked.
"Not in the plane I'm ON the plane!" Ethan replied.
Benji looked up to the plane and stared at it as he saw Ethan holding onto the side of the plane.
"Open the door!" Ethan shouted.
Benji kept staring.
"Benji open the door!" Ethan shouted even loader.
"Yeah yeah y-yeah yeah yeah ok" Benji stuttered.
The plane increased speed and started to take off.
"Benji open that door right now!" William shouted.
The plane took off with Ethan still holding on.
"Come on Benji" Luther said over the communication channel.
"Benji open that door!" William shouted again.
Benji used the tablet "come on come one come on" he said to himself.
"Yes go it!" Benji said but opened the wrong door.
"That's the wrong door!" Ethan yelled.
"Benji not that door the other door" Luther told Benji.
"The other door right yes the other door okay oh yes yes yes sorry my bad!" Benji quickly said.
The pilot noticed that the doors where open and he realised that the switch was still in place so he sent a crew member to check it out.
"Ok look I'm going to open the parall door" Benji said while opening the door. "How's that?"
Ethan got sucked into the plane and was thrown to the wall.
He was going to attached a parachute to the package but all of a sudden a bright light beam appeared next to it.
"Hey guys, do these guys have someone sort of weapon or torch?" Ethan asked.
"Noooooo why?" William asked.
"Because I am staring at something...woagh!" Ethan yelled as he was yanked off of his feet and towards the light.
"Ethan?" Benji asked.
That's the last thing Ethan heard before he was dragged into the light beam.

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