Day 96: This Is My Week

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I finally have a week where I hit all four of my weekly goals -- and the week isn't over yet. I've done yoga for at least 15 minutes every morning. I played racquetball twice. I've checked the "apple-a-day" box every day, with an apple and/or a green smoothie. And I'm already past my pull-ups goal for the week.

My momentum is reflected in my mid-month check-in, too!

My weight is down almost ten pounds from its high-point, thanks to the "Tax Season cleanse" diet that I've been on with my wife

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My weight is down almost ten pounds from its high-point, thanks to the "Tax Season cleanse" diet that I've been on with my wife. (More on that soon.) My push-ups and sit-ups are up significantly. The number I'm most excited about: where my previous best with pull-ups was six in three minutes, I'm up to nine this time! It feels great. I also nudged my jumping-jacks count past my previous high.

In terms of how I feel, I'm also seeing major progress. Looking back at my qualitative measures from Day 4, it's good to see how many sources of anxiety I've downsized or knocked out entirely. I certainly don't have any concern about being red-faced and winded while playing racquetball; my cardio endurance has definitely improved. My knees are doing way better, although I hope to see more improvement here as I do more quad-strengthening exercises. I'm far less ashamed of my body when I'm naked, although I'm still very conscious of the flab and belly fat.

The biggest qualitative improvement? I feel way more clear-headed. I'm wasting less time, I'm making smarter decisions, and I don't feel as lethargic. All this work continues to pay off, and it feels great.

Next week, Orbital Velocity goes to Mexico. My wife has a Tax Season tradition of going somewhere sunny for a week or two, staying somewhere cheap, and benefiting from the mood-enhancement of working outdoors while powering through twelve-to-sixteen-hour days. The current state of her scoliosis-related health issues is bad enough that she doesn't feel safe making the trip alone, so I'll be going with her. It'll be my first test of how well I can stick with this while away from home. And I won't have a scale or a pull-up bar, so my next check-in won't happen until we return in early April.

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