Day 37: Check-In

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Not much time to write. Instead, my wife and I talked about where I am in this process, and about weight and fitness in general -- which is great. But talking takes time. So here are the results of my third check-in.

Now that I have three check-ins and want to be able to compare them, I've put them into Excel

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Now that I have three check-ins and want to be able to compare them, I've put them into Excel. The purple comment-tags indicate that something went wrong. As you might recall, I stopped doing jumping-jacks during my second check-in because of abdomen pain. Today, I stopped because I started feeling a bit of crampy pain in my left calf, probably because I forgot to do calf stretches first. Had that not happened, I think I would have been closer to my Day-3 baseline.

The exciting thing here is that I'm seeing improvement in my three strength tests: push-ups; sit-ups; and pull-ups. I also feel like my need for sleep has already decreased slightly. This matches a qualitative improvement I'm noticing, which is that I'm not nearly as lethargic. My energy level throughout the day has definitely improved, as has my ability to focus and make all the tiny decisions that carry me through the day.

Going back to my Mental Health Map, this means that my Ritual, Physical Self-Care, and Work are paying off. They're adding to my sense of achievement, which in turn boosts my self-esteem, which then improves my positivity and mental clarity. I see it on the map, but I also feel it in my day-to-day life. My rituals are nowhere near orbital velocity yet, but I'm seeing the kind of results that help build momentum.

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