Where The Wind Blows

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Woooow another story.

I'm not sorry.


Well that was shitty.

I feel my body start to ache. Slowly, I turn my head and feel the dirt and stones dig into my cheek. I slowly roll my body over so I'm on my back and let out a long breath. I open my eyes slowly and blink up, seeing trees over top of me blocking out the sun that seems to be high in the sky.

I slowly sit up and look around, growing confused as to why I'm in the woods and where the hell I am.

I slowly stand up- my body shouting at me to stop- and I close my eyes as I lean against a tree to hold my weight up, my small bag pressing into my back.

"Halt. Who are you? State your business." A voice asks from behind me and I whip around too fast hurting my head and my neck. I grip my head as a headache comes. "Speak up."

I slowly open my eyes and meet the eyes of some guy I've never seen before. He's in armour and on a horse and his hand is on his ..... Sword. The one that's not holding the reins. Cool alright.

Well crap.

I turn my body to face him, my dress getting leafs in it. "Um I'm lost for one thing." I say as I look around again but all I still see is trees. "I have no idea where I am..." I trail off quietly and he jumps off his horse and makes his way over to me. I tense as he gets closer.

He gives me a smile and I can't help but give a small smile back. "You're lost? Do you not know where you are? Who's territory you're in?" He asks and I slowly shake my head. He chuckles lightly. "I'm Sir Lancelot." He glances at the horse eating grass and then looks back to me. "I'll give you a lift to the town, that should help you." He holds his hand out for me and slowly walk over to him.

"I've never ridden a horse before." I say and he looks at me surprised.

"Really?" I nod my head. "Well I'll help you. No need to worry." He says as he beckons me over to the side of the horse. He shows me where to put my foot in to get up and I do what he says, trying my hardest to do this all in a dress, getting in the saddle tensing up. He climbs on after, sitting behind me. I move so my bag is in my lap but still around my body. He takes the reins from my hands and makes a clicking sound which makes the horse move and making me tense up. He chuckles at my reaction. "Relax."

"Not so easy to do so when you've never ridden before." I say between clenched teeth. Trying not to show how scared I really am.

We ride in silence for a little and before long I see a castle in the distance.

"No fucking way." I mumble to myself and I hear Sir Lancelot chuckle; which indicates he probably heard me.

We come closer to the castle and people back out of our way as we come through.

We come to a stop in front of the castle steps and he jumps off. He holds out a hand to me and helps me down. Once I'm on solid ground again I take a step back from him and the horse.

Another guy comes over and smiles at Sir Lancelot then looks at me confused. "Lance, you go out to get herbs for Gaius and come back with a lady. That doesn't sound like you." He says chuckling and glancing at me with a smile.

"Well, she was lost so I helped her." He says shrugging.

"See, that makes more sense." The guy says nodding his head. His attention turns to me. "And what might your name be?" He asks me.

And at that moment I realize I don't actually know what my name is. I can't remember anything. Only waking up in the grass.

"I... I don't remember...." I say more surprised than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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