𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Start from the beginning

"Spider bite," Peter shrugged. Madison nodded her head, "Nice. I got mine from an experiment my father's business partner put me through."

Peter looked at her with a shocked expression and thought she was joking, "Uh okay... What type of movies do you like?"

"Old movies. But the horror genre in my favorite," Madison answered.

"I love old movies too. Ever seen Alien?" Peter said as his face lit up.

Madison leaned forward, "Are you kidding? It's only one of the greatest movies out there, but I have to say Star Wars is always my go to, even though it isn't horror."

"You're a Star Wars fan?" the boy questioned, a smile growing on his face. Madison nodded her head, "What else would I be? Because there is no way in hell I would be a Star Trek fan."

Peter now had a full blown smile as he looked at Madison with admiring eyes. "Okay, my turn. Have you ever dated anyone?" the girl asked.

"No," Peter answered. Madison laughed at how red his face became, "Don't worry. Neither have I."

Peter then relaxed a little, "Oh... okay. Um, what is the coolest thing you've built?"

"That's easy. My suit," Madison replied, "My dad made my first one, but I made my current one. It sits in my bracelet."

The girl held out her wrist and Peter looked at the piece of jewelry. "Wow," he breathed.

Madison gave a shrug, "It's not perfect but it works. Eventually I want to make one that sits in a ring. The smaller it is the less people will notice it."

"I think it's awesome," Peter complimented as the girl pulled her wrist back. Madison gave another smile, "Thanks."

"Wait... Why do you have a suit?" He asked, catching onto the weirdness of it.

The younger Stark smirked, "You're forgetting the rules. My question first. Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What?" Peter asked, taken aback by the question. Madison then repeated what she said, "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Peter shifted in his seat as he looked down at his hands, "Well... I, uh, I'm kinda a... loser at my school. So no one ever really wants to date 'Penis Parker'."

"They call you Penis Parker?" Madison asked, slight anger filling her voice.

Peter didn't speak as he slowly nodded his head. The girl then slid across the seat to where she was sitting next to Peter. Madison hooked her arm with his and spoke, "Don't worry. One day they will all work for you. And they're not sitting in a car and getting to know Tony Stark's daughter are they?"

"Yeah you're right," Peter answered, giving a sad smile.

"You know what, don't give a shit what they say. Because I, for one, think you are pretty awesome," Madison said, giving his arm a squeeze.

Peter's smile turned real as he looked up at Madison, "Thanks. Now are you gonna tell me why you have a suit?"

"I suppose," Madison huffed. She scooted away from Peter and grabbed a glass of water, "You know that super cool hero named Venus and no one knows who she is?"

"Yeah," Peter answered.

Madison then lifted the water out of the cup. She smiled as Peter's eyes grew wide. "Well I'm her," Madison confessed.

"No way," Peter gasped. Madison nodded her head, "You better believe it, Lover. Your girl can control all four elements."

Madison then used her other hand and created a flame. She turned the water into vapor and made the evaporated water swirl around Peter.

He stared with his mouth wide open, shock completely taking over his body. Eventually he snapped out of it, "That's awesome. I thought you were kidding when you said you were experimented on."

"Nope. That actually happened," Madison replied letting go of the vapor and watching it disappear.

"Why did you choose the name Venus?" the boy asked, looking at Madison with even more admiration.

Madison leaned back into her seat, "Well it's known as the sister planet. And I have the powers of everything on Earth, but I am a girl. So it's kinda like a play on words."

"That's cool," Peter exclaimed.

The younger Stark gave a nod, "Yeah I guess it kinda is."

Just then the car stopped and Happy got out of the car. Madison looked at Peter. "I guess it's time to head to Germany," the girl smiled.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now