Why am I suddenly...?

Feeling a lump in your throat, your lips pressed together, and when all eyes are on you, indicating your turn to speak, you choked up and excused yourself to the bathroom. Itachi instantly stands but Mikoto rises from her seat to stop him, assuring the rest of the table that everything is okay before she camly followed you.

Mikoto cautiously approached the bathroom door, gently knocking twice before poking her head inside only to find you buried in your hands in front of the mirror.

"[Name], are you alright?" she asked quietly as she entered the room and shuts the bathroom door when she sees your shoulders quaking.

"I-I don't..." This feeling was so annoying that your hands slapped down on each side of the sink, letting out a groan as you meet Mikoto's eyes through the mirror. "I don't even know why I'm crying."

"Well, Itachi's words were sweet," she said as she walked up to rub your shoulders in comfort. "But this reaction is simply hormonal, [Name]. They're mood swings and will worsen up until your second trimester."

"Mood swings..." you grumbled. "How do I even know how far I am?"

"An ultrasound will tell you exactly. But these are early signs of pregnancy, so you're barely starting if you can't control these emotions."

Frowning, you turn around to face Mikoto. "I don't like pregnancy so far."

"Maybe not now," she laughed heartily as she dried your tears. "This is your first time after all, but I promise that all this pain will cease, and you'll enjoy it. Listen, I have a friend—a skilled doctor who owns a clinic for multiple needs. I'll make an appointment to take you in for an ultrasound."

"Thank you," you breathe out rather relieved.

"For now, let's get back out there before everyone worries."


The following Monday, Itachi started work at his new office, and in between two weeks you two moved into an apartment near his parents by your request. Though it took some time to think up a good excuse on why, all you could say is, "just in case of an emergency"... But the real reason was to have Mikoto nearby whenever you went through mental breakdowns after those whiplashing symptoms.

Now you sat on your new sofa, looking out the window for Mikoto to pick you up. Time was spent by biting the tip of your thumb, thinking about how and when to tell Itachi the news. But your attention averted out the window towards two little kids running along the sidewalk. Their over-sized backpacks bounced on their backs as they were now racing to reach their school bus on time-- when one of them falls face-flat on the concrete.

Impressively, the boy quickly jumped up on his feet, making you giggle to watch his determination like nothing happened; he simply dusted off his uniform and continued sprinting up into the bus.

I wonder... Your hands topped over your belly and closed your eyes to imagine holding the hand of your own child. What will mornings be like after you're born? How many all-nighters will I have to pull?

You frowned, wondering deeply about those questions, but smiled at the next question.

Will you be a girl, or a boy?

You pictured two children staring at you. On one panel is a little girl with jet black hair up in pig tails with wide, curious eyes; her cheeky smile resembling yours as she sneaks candy into her lunch bag before being caught by her dad. But on another panel is a little boy: his playful, dark eyes darting side to side from under the bed, trying to hide from you on his first day of kindergarten.

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