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The new and fiery cover has inspired this chapter...

We surveyed the chosen area and were beginning the building plans. Apparently, North and Silas are pretty used to building and stuff. Being the gracious person I am, I decided to let them do more of the hard work. But not because I'm lazy or anything. Because I'm gracious and kind.

"This is almost as bad as when we first started out building," North muttered, glancing at Silas. "We have hardly any tools and materials."

"We'll find them," Sean assured them.

With a smirk, Marc added, "I mean, if Victor of all people can get used to living with so little, anyone can right?"

"Yeah, Victor, all that wealth didn't help did it?" Gabriel teased, jumping in.

"It's not my fault you all didn't have money to burn," Victor replied smoothly, a matching grin on his face. "And I do recall giving you guys plenty of my money."

"You guys didn't have money to burn?" I said, taken aback. "How? I mean, doesn't everyone? Sometimes I would take the stacks, light them on fire, and throw the burning cash in the air around my prisoners. Made them go crazy for whatever reason. Tons of fun."

They all kinda just stared at me.

"You literally set money on fire for the fun of it?" Nathan asked, dumbfounded.

"Are you really surprised?" Owen asked him. "I mean, this is one of the least shocking things we learned about Zoya."

"I'm not sure we should be slumming it with poor people who don't even have money burning parties," I stage whispered to Wil, my eyes wide.

Lucian laughed, "Come on, Zoya. You of all people know that money means absolutely nothing now. It really is just for burning now."

"Nowadays, it's the talents that make someone rich," Axel stated, an eyebrow raised and a smug grin on his face.

"Like knowing languages? Or being able to kill someone twenty-six different ways with a ballpoint pen? Or being able to pull off whatever you wear? Or—"

"We get it, Zoya," Gabriel groaned. "You're incredible. Now can we get back to work?"

I shrugged. Their loss. I wouldn't mind listing even more of my many talents, but no sense wasting knowledge on those of low intelligence.

"Why do I feel like you just insulted us in your head?" Brandon asked me with a suspicious look.

My jaw dropped and I gaped at Brandon. How did he know?! He must've read my mind! But... There's only one explanation as to why Brandon would be able to read my mind.

"You must be my soulmate!" I gasped, still staring at Brandon.

"Hey! I thought I was your ginger soulmate!" Nathan exclaimed before he could stop himself.

"Yeah. You're also my husband, but that's not the point," I said. "The point is that Brandon is my other soulmate."

"Who said you could have more than one soulmate?" Wil muttered.

"Wait! This means that Corey is also my soulmate!" I burst out, my eyes somehow widening further.

"How the hell does that even make sense?!" Gabriel exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Corey and Brandon are clones," I explained calmly.

"Can I be your Russian soulmate?" Raven asked eagerly.

"Nope," I replied with a smirk. "Wil's already my Russian soulmate. But you can be my tattoo soulmate if you want."

"We could even get match tattoos!" Raven cheered.

"Matching," Corey corrected.

"That too," Raven agreed. "Our matches should match."

"Why match sticks?" Kota questioned.

"To represent our burning passion for each other," Raven answered smugly.

"You want to burn me to death too?!" I exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes.

Maybe he is my soulmate...

"Too?!" Raven echoed as North bellowed, "To death?! No one is burning anything down!"

"You we're burning it all down?!" I gasped excitedly before chanting, "BURN IT DOWN! BURN IT DOWN! BURN IT DO—"

"No one is burning anything down, Zoya," Owen interrupted, his voice sharp and commanding.

"Spoil sport," I muttered under my breath. "And I don't like that tone of voice either..."

"Before we burn the forest down, Zoya, maybe we should remember that we're supposed to be living here?" Wil pointed out.

"I hate logic," I grumble.

"Perfect," Corey teased. "It tends to avoid you anyway."

"Burn!" Lucian called, laughing.

Crossing my arms, I stuck my tongue out in they direction and glared at them in annoyance.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Gabriel squealed.

"We'll see how cute I look covered in your blood and burning your corpse," I fired back.

"Again with the fire?!" Sean exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Aren't we supposed to be getting started on the building?" Silas said hesitantly.

"Okay," I agreed. "I'll supervise and you guys can do the work."

"Wait. How is that fair?" Axel asked with a frown. "If anything, it should be Corey not working since he was recently bit by a zombie and then a crazy lady."

Crazy lady? They met someone else and didn't say anything?

"It is too fair," I argued. I made my eyes wide and stuck my bottom lip out. "I'm such an innocent and fragile young girl. Working is too much for me to handle."

It stung my pride to say that, but I knew that I certainly didn't want to be working. Working is just so much... work.

After a second of silently gawking at me, all of the boys started bursting out in hysterical laughter.

After muttering some curses and particularly cruel insults under my breath, I calmed down slightly and noticed that they were still laughing. Groaning, I began barking out orders.

And just like that, the construction of my dream fortress was underway

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