A Whole Lotta Nonsense

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"You, my friend, are a strange little Russian," I told Raven, frowning at him.

"Strange? Or strangely handsome?" Raven replied smoothly, folding his arms across his chest and making his muscles bulge.

"Strange," I said flatly. "I said strange not strangely handsome for a reason."

"Sure," Raven said, dragging the word out and winking.

"Did your eye just twitch?" I demanded. "Because I know you didn't just wink at me!"

"Oh? And what if I did?" Raven challenged, moving closer.

Ha. The motherfucker thinks that if he invades my personal space, I'll be off balance or uncomfortable. Then he'll take advantage of my off guard state and strike. The nerve of people these days. Too bad he doesn't know me.

Moving even closer to him, I leaned in until we were only a breath apart and answered, "Then I'd have to kill you."

His eyes were dark, the pupils incredibly dilated. He moved, but to do what, I don't know. I pushed past him and flounced back into the room where the others were. They were all sitting down, listening to Wil blabber on about me.

I sighed. Damnit. That boy needs to know when to shut his mouth. Some secrets are secrets for a reason.

"She's pretty much the black sheep of her family," Wil said. "But, at the same time, she's her dad's precious princess, the heir."

"I don't mind being the black sheep of my family!" I said with a cheerful smile. "I love black! And I'm not a princess. I'm a fucking queen, thank you very much."

Wil's head snapped around so fast I thought it would just keep spinning and spinning until it unscrewed itself from his neck. It didn't though. Unfortunately. That would've been entertaining. But messy. Unless it came off cleanly. I eyed his neck, my curiosity growing.

"So what's the plan?" Wil asked me, startling me out of my thoughts.

I quickly took a seat beside Nathan and Brandon, with Axel right across from me and North behind me.

"Imma take a couple of the boys and go hunting," I decided. "See how they handle themselves."

They won't be too bad, I'm sure. After all, they've lasted this long. Not to mention, they are Academy. I mean, the Academy really isn't that spectacular, but it is better than average. Average pretty much sucks.

A funny look came over Wil's face before quickly disappearing. He nodded and mumbled an agreement before asking who I would take. I shrugged, not really caring either way.

"Whoever wants to come, I guess," I said, my eyes sweeping over the group. "Two of them, three at most."

"You two act like we aren't here," Sean teased.

"Not Sean, though," I added, smirking when he gasped dramatically and clutched his heart. "Or Corey. If Corey has a relapse or something dumb like that, he'll need a doctor around."

Owen's eyes scanned the room as he selected who he wanted to go.

"I'll go!" Gabriel called out, raising a hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have a volunteer!" I exclaimed, a smile spreading on my face.

"And me!" Lucian inserted.

Before any of the others could say something, Owen quickly and sharply chose, "Kota. Kota'll be your third."

Kota's eyebrows rose in surprise and he questioned, "Me?"

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