"Love can't conquer everything.."

Start from the beginning

🌸OUravity: Whoaaa Deku calm down I'll never leave you!!
Sent 7:14 AM

💚MightyDeku: He said that too..
Sent 7:15 AM

🌸OUravity: Who's "he", Deku??
Sent 7:16 AM

💚MightyDeku: Kacchan..
Sent 7:17 AM

🌸OUravity: Oh jeez, Deku.. You guys were best friends, huh?
Sent 7:19 AM

💚MightyDeku: Were.
Sent 7:20 AM

🌸OUravity: Wow, I'm sorry, Deku. But I promise, swear on my life, I will never stop being your best friend. I love ya to death Izu! ❤
Sent 7:21 AM

💚MightyDeku: Thanks so much, Ura! I love you too ❤
Sent 7:22 AM

🌸OUravity: Hey so it's almost time for school, wanna walk together?
Sent 7:49 AM

💚MightyDeku: No thanks, I'll just make you late. I'm still in my boxers..
Sent 7:50 AM

🌸OUravity: Didn't needa know
that.. But alright, see you at school, Deku!
Sent 7:51 AM

🌸OUravity went offline

💚MightyDeku went offline

I put my phone down and ran a hand through my green mop of hair. I groaned getting out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and "fix" my hair.
I finished brushing my teeth and put on my school uniform.

"IZUKUUU!! SCHOOL STARTS AT 8 YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Mom called. "Almost ready mom!" I yelled back. I opened my door and went over to the kitchen, checking my phone in the process. It was 7:56.

I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the front door. "I GOTTA GO MOM I LOVE YOU BYE!" I slammed the door and ran to get to school on time, not even thinking to use One For All.

I ran into class 2-A out of breath. I was bending over with my hands on my knees, coughing. Uraraka ran over to me.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka chirped with a warm smile. Her smile faltered a bit seeing me cough and basically die in front of the whole class. "Uh.. Deku.. Let me walk you to your seat.. " She put her hand on my back and walked me over to my desk. "Thanks, Ura" I tried to smile. She smiled back and walked to her desk.

Mr. Aizawa rolled in front of the class in his yellow sleeping bag burrito.. Thing... He slid out and went over to his desk in the front of the room. "Alright class.. " He said groggily. "Today we will have a discussion about our second races, the back-to-school/mate finding dance party whatever and we will have 3 pro heroes come and talk to you all..." He said with such enthusiasm. "While.. I sleep...." He rolled back into his burrito and slid behind his desk. As if on cue, 3 pro heros walked in.

First, in walked Bubble Girl. Followed by Midnight and Mirko. Of course, as soon as they walked in, Mineta started getting a nosebleed.

"Hello everyone!" Piped up Bubble Girl. "The reason us three are here today is to talk to you all about your second races." Mirko chimed in. "The talk going around is that Omegas can't be heroes and that Alphas are the only heroes that 'really matter'. I, however, am an Omega, and I am the Number 5 pro hero."

"And I'm a beta and I'm the Number 9 pro hero. We just want to let you all know that omegas can be heroes too."

Kacchan scoffed. "No one in here is a fucking omega anyway. Don't waist your damn time. " I sulked down in my seat.

The heroes continued talking, but I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was too busy staring at the back of Kacchan's head. His spiky blonde hair that looked like he just ran a hand through it after he woke up, his- Okay, Izuku... Calm down.. You're not- Jesus who am I kidding... I'm gay as heck for Katsuki Bakugou. My Kacchan.

Eclipse- A Bakudeku OMEGAVERSE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now