"I love you too"

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Kacchan's POV

"I didn't even knot you!! Oh god,  oh god this can't be happening." I put my hands to my temple.

Out of his sweater he pulled a small purple stick. It was a pregnancy test. And it said positive.

Izuku's POV

I found out I was pregnant last week while I was walking with Emika. I threw up. A good few times.

"Dang Dad.. With all you're puking I'd think you'd be pregnant" She giggled. Then the thought occurred to me. Maybe I was pregnant.

I rushed to the nearest convenience store and purchased  a pregnancy test, earning weird looks from people.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked the cashier trying to keep my cool. "Mmhm. Over there on the left." He instructed, giving me the bathroom key.

I went into the bathroom where I hurriedly opened the package and followed the directions.

After waiting about 5 minutes I picked up the stick and almost fainted, my heart dropping to my  red shoes. How was I going to tell  Kacchan? I backed myself against the wall and slid down it breathing hard. Tears streaming down my face.

I knew this would happen eventually, but never while I was still in high school.

Would he leave me like he left me when we were kids? But he wouldn't.. Not again.. Would he?

Consumed in my thoughts, I barely heard the knocking at the bathroom door.

"Sir, are you still in there? There's people waiting." A voice that belonged to the cashier flooded my thoughts. I gathered myself and opened the door, plastering a fake smile.

"Everything's fine, sir. I'm sorry I was just on the phone with a... Few people that's all." I lied wiping a stray tear off my cheek.

He gave me a strange look, but nodded as I placed the key to the bathroom in the palm of his hand.

I walked until no one was looking then bolted out the school and towards UA.

For the rest of the week I avoided Kacchan at all costs, even when we went to bed. In the same bed.

When I finally showed him the pregnancy test, I couldn't tell what he was going to do.

"Wait.. If you're a beta.. Then h-how.. " Kacchan's eyes widened with realization.

"You're an omega... Aren't you.."

Tears streamed from my eyes as I nodded. I stood there hiding my face in my hands when I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, along with the familiar scent of spice.

Kacchan's chin sat on my shoulder as he held me. "I don't care if you're an omega, Deku.. I love you" He whispered in my ear.

I love him..

I love Kacchan

(Time skip cause yah)

"Okay so. You're pregnant. An omega. We're still stuck in the future. I'm going to be a dad. Shit! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" Kacchan freaked out while pacing around in the boy's bathroom, hands on the back of his head.

I was slouched down on a wall in the corner of the room listening to Kacchan's freak out, not dating to talk.

"I'm going to be a dad. You're going to be a dad! We're going to be d- IZUKU GET OFF THE DAMN FLOOR YOU'RE GONNA HURT THE BABY!!" Kacchan yelled then came over to pick me up delicately, to which I just laughed.

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