"Love can't conquer everything.."

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The picture above is just funny XD )))

For those of you who don't exactly remember what happened last chapter (aka, me XD) HERES THIS!! NOW LETS GET THIS LONG AWAITED SHOW ON THE ROAD!!


Kacchan's POV


"You..." I grit my teeth.

"Hiya, Kacchan! Oh, and Deku too! What a nice surprise!!" She raved.

"Cut the shit, Namayage. What do you want from us?"

"Revenge." She answered simply. "I want everyone to feel the way I do. Mom, Dad, Auntie, Uncle, you two, my cousin, and everyone else who ever hurt me. But, I'm not gonna get it just yet. I'm just toying with you! Oh and by the way, Deku, you're not pregnant! Dr. Kami out!"

And with that, she turned into a cloud of purple smoke.

"I- I'm not.. What.." Deku looked down at the ground, quivering underneath my arm.

"Maybe... Maybe it's for the best.. We're young, anyway." I tried to help. But it just made him mad.

"Are you kidding me right now?! If you didn't want a kid in the first place, then why didn't you say something?!" He fumed.

"Hey, hey.. That's not what I meant" I soothed putting an hand on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and threw it off of his shoulder.

"No. I.. I'm done with you right now.."

And with that, he left me alone in the alley, utterly confused.


He thinks.. He thinks I didn't want a kid??

Hell, maybe not a month or two ago, believe me, a kid was the very last thing on my mind. Right under leprechauns, which I just found out about 3 days ago. But now? I want a kid. Not just any kid, no, that's not what I'm saying. I just want one with him. Him and only him. He's the only person I'd have a kid with. He's the only person I want to spend my life with. He's the only person I want to grow old with. Yet there he goes, walking away from me. My life. My love. My everything. Just moving away from me.

But I can't give up. I know we have kids in the future- Wait.. What if.. By saying what I said.. I altered that too..?

"DAMMIT, KATSUKI!! How fucking DENSE COULD YOU BE?!" I lashed out at myself, hot tears not even bothering to gather in my eyes before spilling down my cheeks.

I looked up, hoping to see the boy with the green mop of hair. The boy with the inviting smile and warm embrace. I looked up. Hoping to see the love of my life. I looked up.

And he wasn't there.

I could go after him, I thought. No, if he wants to be without me, so be it. The last time he yelled at me and actually meant it... Was because of Urasa. He must really mean it this time...

The orb showed up again, smaller than ever, and I knew it was now or never. It was I could do to hope he would make it out too. That where he was, another tiny orb was waiting to bring him home, with or without me.

I touched it, and again was met with the bright colors, and shining lights, which all just seemed to be dull to me in that moment. Nothing mattered. My life had just been taken away from me, so why should I see in color?

Eclipse- A Bakudeku OMEGAVERSE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now