Chapter One

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Ten days.

It had been ten days without one word from Daniel. No one had seen or heard from him. It was as if he had just disappeared. The first couple of days, I somewhat expected not to hear from him. He had always been up and down with his emotions, but after four days I couldn't contain myself anymore. I tried texting him, which was simply ignored. I called several times, but they all went straight to voicemail.

I'm not sure how many voicemails I left, but eventually, his voicemail was filled. After seven days I was certifiably crazy. I wince, thinking about the incident that happened today. It definitely wasn't my brightest moment, especially since that had been the first time meeting Nancy Belasco.

In ten days I had gained a car & lost a boyfriend.

I needed to know where Daniel was. I was at the point of no return. My mind raced, constantly conjuring worst case scenarios. At night I was left only with my thoughts. I couldn't take it any longer, I needed to know he was okay.

School had ended and I didn't have plans. Actually, I blew off my plans with Addie and Erik to go on my insane mission. I put my car into drive and sped in the direction of Daniel's house. I had only been there once, but it was imprinted in my mind.

I shouldn't do this. Daniel is going to think I am crazy if he doesn't already. I bite my lip, remembering all of the voicemails I had left. Maybe he hadn't listened to them. I roll up to the curb at the edge of the driveway. The house stands as ominous as the last time I was here. My car idles as I try to think of a reason to leave.

Just one reason to leave and I will do it.

Sighing, I put my car in park and huff towards the front door. I hadn't made it onto the property before, but as my feet paced forward I felt something in my stomach flop. It has to be nerves, but the Witch part of my brain tells me it's more than that. It's like the ground knows I am a Solart.

My fists are clenched at my sides when I first step on the porch. I hold up one hand, aimed to knock, but I don't get the chance. The door flies open, starling my already irregular heartbeat. I know I looked frightened, but it was because the woman standing in front of me was frightening.

She is Amazon tall, with the same sun-kissed skin Daniel has. Where Daniel has dark hair, the woman in front of me has wavy blonde hair. I can't tell if it's dyed or natural and she's not the type of woman you ask. I gulp as my fists falter.

"Um, hi!" My voice was uneven. "I'm—

She cut me off before I could even say my name. I frown at her.

"I know who you are. You're Cornelia Solart." She says my last name like a bad word. She visibly cringes, like my name tastes bad. I pretend not to take offense, but inside I'm seething.

If I didn't have so many questions I would tell her how I really felt. Actually, I would probably just rush to my car. I hated conflict, which is how I knew how deep I was in. I swallowed, trying to reign in my emotions.

"Can I talk to Daniel?" It didn't feel right, asking for permission. It was just another indication as to how desperate I was. I cracked my knuckles after the silence was too much. I fought the urge to look over my shoulder. I felt someone or something watching me. The fear of Nancy attacking me was far greater than anything else out there.

She looks down her nose at me. I'm tall, but I feel microscopic. I'm suddenly very aware that the shirt I'm wearing is in desperate need of washing and how my hair is in tangled, draping each side of my make up free face.

"No," her tone is curt.

"Please, I need to talk to him." I hope she senses the urgency in my voice. She barely looks at me. Frustrated, I open my mouth again.

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