Chapter-11 The kickback

Start from the beginning

*All the kids say bye and hug Mel, Mel hugs them back and also says bye. She goes to her Uber and drives off to the airport*

Kimmy: "Well Ima pick my outfit for tonight" *She goes to her room*

DJ: "Me too!" *She also goes to her room*

Steph: "Your mom told you, y'all are babysitting right?"

Jackson: "Yeahh"

Steph; "Okay, hope you don't mind watching my daughter.. she's in my room taking her nap"

Jackson: "Oh sure! No problem"

Steph: "Thanks! Ima also pick out my outfit" *She goes to her room*

Val: "now we gotta watch Aunt Stephanie's baby... there's no way we're able to sneak out now"

Jackson: "There has to be a way, let's just hope the baby stays sleep for a long time, just until we get back"

Ramona: "Even if we succeed in escaping, What time are we coming back?"

Jackson: "We'll just come back 30mins before they come back"

Val: "Let's ask when they coming back" *They go upstairs*

Jackson: "Hey mom, when are y'all coming back?"

DJ: "I'm not sure, but I'll call you to let you know when we'll be back"

Jackson: "Sounds fair"

DJ: "Thank you so much for willing to babysit your brothers and cousin"

Jackson: "Well I'm not willing... I kinda have too and no problem mom.."

DJ: "Tomorrow we can go to In-and-Out, okay?"

Jackson: "Okay!" 

DJ: "Okay, we're heading out now, Steph ,Kimmy!! Time to go!!!"

Kimmy: "I got the cake" *She holds the cake carefully*

Steph: *She hands Val her baby* "Please take real good care of my precious, Mommy will be right back" *She kisses her baby's forehead and walks out with Kimmy*

DJ: "Emergency numbers are on the fridge, call me if you need anything! And If you want me to come home, I'll drop everything and come home" *She hugs her boys*

Jackson: "Okay mom we'll be fine"

Max: "I'll call if anything is wrong"

Tommy: "Have fun mommy!"

DJ: "I love you guys!" *She kisses Tommy's forehead and walks out, closing the door* 

Jackson: *Looks out the window* "Okay there are gone!"

Max: "So babysitter, any plans tonight?"

Jackson: *Looks at the time, it's 8:50pm* "No, I suddenly don't feel so good" *He puts his hand on his forehead*

Max: "Are you coming down with a fever? Do you want me to check your temp? Bring the first aid kit? Call mom?"

Jackson: "Ima just go lay down, I'm sure I'll be fine, come on girls" *He goes to Ramona's room*

Val: *Holding Steph's baby* "Okay so now what?"

Jackson: "We'll all pretend to feel sick... then escape" 

Val: "Okay, let me put Steph's baby in her crib, I'll be back" *She goes downstairs to Steph's room and puts the baby to sleep*

Rocki: *Calls Jackson* "Hey It's 9pm, where are you?????"

Jackson: "I'll be there in a few mins, like in 10 mins"

Rocki: "Well hurry up" *She hangs up*

Jackson: "We have to go now! What's taking Val so long"

Val: *Comes back upstairs* "I'm here"

Jackson: "Okay, it's time to go" *He locks the door and opens the window, he slowly climbs down*

Ramona and Val follow him, they run a few houses down.

Val: "Wow, we made it!!, Where's the party?"

Jackson: "Down here, come on!" *They go to the party, as they walk in the house, they see Rocki* "Rocki!!" 

Rocki: "It's about time you made it! Hello Ramona, Val"

Ramona: "Hey"

Val: "Sup"

Rocki: "Im surprised Ramona came, I thought she chicken"

Ramona: "I'm obviously not a chicken."

Rocki: "Hey Jackson, here have a drink" *She hands him a cup of alcohol*

Jackson: "what's this?"

Rocki: "Seagram, duh. There are no little kid drinks here"

Val: "Can I have one"

Rocki: *She hands her one*

Val: "Thanks" *She takes a sip*

Jackson: *also takes a sip*

Ramona: "I'm okay..... I don't want any"

Jackson: "Just try 1 sip"

Rocki: "Yeah, you didn't come all the way here and not take a sip, like come on, You should have stayed home"

Everyone there was pressuring Ramona to drink 

Ramona: "Fine, if it will get y'all to stop" 

Rocki: *hands her a drink*

Ramona: *Slowly takes a sip* "Uhhh Gross!!!!"

Rocki: "Come on, let's dance!" *She grabs Jackson's hand and dances*

Ramona: "Do you wanna dance Val?"

Val "Sure" *The girls dance*

Popko: "Ramona? Is that you?"

Ramona: "Popko.... Hi" *She smiles*

Popko: "What in the name of Davy Jones' locker are you doing here???"

Ramona: "Is that from Spongebob?"

Popko: "Maybe.."

Ramona: "I'm here cuz people made me come... like Rocki"

Popko: "Ohhh yeah... Well, I'm glad you're here!" *He smiles*

Ramona: "Oh, this is Vallery, Jackson's cousin, I don't think I introduced her to you..."

Popko: "Hey"

Val: "Hey, Ima go over there and leave you 2 alone" *She sees a group of teens outside smoking and she joins them"

Jackson: "This party is dope!"

Rocki: "Oh yeah" *She takes out a bag of weed* "Wanna try this? this is hella dope"

Jackson: "Is that.....Marijuana....??"

Rocki: "Duh, Try it, it will relax you!!!" *She smokes it*

Jackson: "Idk...."

Rocki: "Oh come on, your cousin does it."

Jackson: "That's because she hasn't been disciplined much.... her mom and dad are never around to tell her what's wrong and what's right"

Rocki: "well, your mom isn't here to tell you what's wrong and what's right.. come on, If you try it... maybe I'll kiss you even more" *She looks at him* "Do it"

Jackson: *he sighs* "Okay" *he smokes it, and coughs a bit* "Oh crap...." *He keeps going*

Rocki: "That's my guy" *She takes it from his hand and smokes*


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