jonah marais • cheating

Start from the beginning

"what?" he asked.

"that night that you went out with corbyn, where'd you go?"

"i told you, we went to a party. i asked if you wanted to come and you said no."

"so you thought it was okay to kiss another girl?"

"what are you talking about?" he asked.

"oh my god, can you stop acting so dumb and just tell me he truth?" you asked, your voice starting to break.

"y/n i honestly have no clue what you're talking about. corbyn and i stayed together the whole time, we didn't know anyone else."

"really?" you asked, grabbing your phone. you pulled up the picture and showed it to him.

"babe i can't believe you'd think that's me."

"what are you talking about?! that's your hair, that's your shirt, so that's even the necklace i bought you!" you had started to raise your voice at him.

"that's not me!"

"jonah don't try to tell me that's not you! it's obvious you cheated so just own up to it!"

"i promise you i didn't cheat! don't you trust me?"

"i thought i could."

"seriously? if you can't trust me then what's the point of even being together?" he asked.

"you're right," you said coldly. "maybe you should leave."

he scoffed and got up, walking right out the door. you dropped your head in your hands and burst into tears.

you couldn't believe this happened. all those years with jonah meant completely nothing to him. he didn't even seem to care that he had broken your heart.

you curled up into the couch with a pillow and cried for what felt like hours.

you jumped up when you heard the door open.

"no, im not letting you go over something as stupid as this. you're way too important to me," he said closing the door and coming to sit next to you. "and i don't wanna see you crying over this."

"you cheated on me, of course im crying." I put my face into a pillow.

"y/n i didn't cheat on you, i promise. let me see that picture again."

you grabbed your phone and unlocked it, handing it to jonah.

"okay look, i can promise you that i didn't cheat all i want, but i know you're gonna want proof. so look, i have pictures of corbyn and i from that night. so if you'll just sit up and come here..."

you slowly sat up and wiped your tears. jonah smiled at you sympathetically. he showed you his phone and your phone.

"in this picture, im wearing a jean jacket and corbyn is right next to me, and see he's wearing the same outfit in this picture where someone is kissing a girl. but that guy is wearing a different shirt, he's not wearing any jacket at all, his shirt is black and my undershirt was white."

you looked at the picture, and started crying even more. this time from guilt.

"i-i'm really sorry jonah. i-i don't know what to say," you told him, your voice shaky.

"it's okay baby, come here." he pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you.

"i-it's go to all these parties with celebrities and those girls are so much prettier than i am and every time i get so paranoid about it, not because i don't trust you, just because im scared im gonna lose you and i just freak myself out and-"

"babe, it's okay. i promise, i completely understand where you're coming from. but i have never ever even thought about cheating on you. you're gorgeous, more than any other girl ive seen. and you're the love of my life, im never leaving you."

"im so sorry. i love you so much." you leaned your head on his shoulder and hugged him tight.

"let's order some food and we can watch movies and cuddle all night, okay?"

"okay. thank you," you whispered.

jonah turned his head and rubbed his nose against yours. you smiled and slowly pressed your lips onto his.

"thanks for fighting for me," you whispered, kissing him again.

"always." he smiled and kissed you again. you squeezed him tighter and put your face in his neck.

"thank you."


this is really cliche but jayden's kinda dumb and asked for this....just kiddingggg love you jayden hehe :))

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