But unfortunately... he doesn't like Gays...

He once called me a Faggot... because He saw his Picture as my Wallpaper...

Of course... The word hurts me... but I just shrugged it...

I tried Multiple times... to get his attention... but I always Fail...


I was walking the corridors of our School in Japan... when I heard giggles inside a Classroom...

I walked towards it and opened the door a Little bit...

I say a Girl... on the Lap of a Man like kissing him...

Then another man rushed to my side and opened the Door wide...

The girl got off of the Man and I saw...

"Yoongi..." It came more like a whisper than my Normal Voice...

But he heard it... he just smirked at me...

After all the things that I did... like putting Letters and Chocolates in his locker... after Greeting him Good Mornings and Goodbyes every time School ends... I finally knew... It was worthless...

And after that... I didn't attend school for a Week... my Friends are always calling me and texting me saying Yoongi is Looking for me... but I know... that was a Lie...

And luckily for me... My Mother Told me that we were moving... here at Korea... And told me that she already got everything ready for my New School... and that she already enrolled me...

And that was the Last moment... I saw Yoongi...


"So thats what happened" I said and he continued on Crying...

"Don't cry Jimin... he doesn't deserve your Tears" I said and Hugged him...

After an Hour or So... We continued to Chat and Chat and Noona Came with her Husband...

And Wow... they sure have a Lot of Niece'

"Is that... all for your Niece?" I asked her and she just giggled...

"I'll just buy Her a New One tomorrow" she said and looked around...

"Hey... where's your Fiancé" She asked...

I looked around to look for Taehyung and...

None... He's not with us...

"I... I have to go... okay!" Then I rushed out from the Cafe and went to the Lobby...

I asked the chauffeur if The man I'm with already took the Car and he said that after 15 minutes or so he went back and took the car keys with him... and his Shoes were soaked with coffee...

I began to panic and hailed a Cab and went to our House...

After a Very Long drive... for me...

We arrived at the Front of our House... I payed the Taxi Driver and I saw Taehyung's Car parked out side and the Front door open...

I went inside to see Taehyung... Sitting on the Stairs with blood shot eyes and A Lot of Soju's on his side...

I went to him and kneeled in front of him...

"Taehyung-ah... Are you okay?" I asked him...

"Hey Jungkook... Since I'm dreaming I'm going to tell you that I'm sorry and that I love you... I'm setting you free Jungkook-ah..." he smiled and passed out...

What does he mean by setting me free?

Voice Mail

I looked at his phone and I accepted the Voice Mail...

"Taehyung-ah... I already told the Jeon Family that you are not Marrying Jungkook anymore... and as for the Partnership... We are still going to continue that... so pack your bags and You're going to America The day after tomorrow... I don't know what happened to the Both of you but I wish that you could be Happy with someone you Love"

The Voice Mail Ended...

I dropped the Phone and looked at Taehyung...

"Why are you letting me Go?" I asked him...

"J-Jimin..." he mumbled...

Then I tried to Look back earlier... and I seem to forgot Taehyung when Jimin dragged me away from them...

Isn't this too much...?


Dear Diary,2 Kth*JjkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon