I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 2

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess."

"It's really you. Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us. Y/N can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all. They talk about you three all the time lately. I feel like I know you."

"So, you talk to angels?" you asked.

"Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of... overhear them."

"Overhear them?"

"Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head."

"Right now?" Dean asked.

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them," she sighed.

"So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to angel radio?"

"Yes. Thank you," she said with a smile.

"Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asked.

"I can tell you exactly—September 18th."

"The day I got out of Hell."

"First words I heard, clear as a bell—'Dean Winchester is saved'."

"Well, at least now we know why the demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-800-angel," you stated.

"Hey, um, do you know—are my parents okay? I-I didn't go home. I was afraid," she sighed sadly. You were just about to say something when someone entered the attic behind you. Reaching for your gun, you looked to see it was Ruby. Rolling your eyes, you left your gun alone.

"You got the girl. Good, let's go," she said in a rush.

"Her face!" Anna said, clearly scared of the demon. She must see what Dean saw before he died.

"It's okay. She's here to help," Sam assured the young girl.

"Is she? Is she really?" you asked.

"We have to hurry," the demon urged.


"Because a demon's coming—big-timer. We can fight later, Dean."

"Well, that's pretty convenient—showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?"

"I didn't bring him here. You did," she accused.

"What?" you and Dean asked at the same time.

"He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now."

"Y/N, Dean," Sam said as he pointed to a white statue that was bleeding from its eyes.

"It's too late. He's here," Ruby stated. Sam took Anna by the hand, assuming to take her to safety. He rushed her to the closet and placed her inside of it.

"Okay. Stay in there. Don't move."

"Okay," she whispered as the door closed. Sam joined you three before taking out a flask of holy water.

"No, Sam, you got to pull him right away," Ruby said.

"Whoa, hold on a sec," Dean tried to intervene.

"Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going dark side. He does his thing, he exorcizes that demon, or we die."

"Maybe it's you who dies. You know, I am so sick and tired of you treated Sam like he's one of your pawns," you growled which made her look away quickly. That confirmed it, she had other intentions and you gotta find out what.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें