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Sophia sat in hospital and sighed. She looked to the small baby who lay in the incubator and smiled, her baby. Sophia had gave birth and Freddie wasn't there and she needed to know where he was and why he wasn't there when she needed him the post. Sophia looked Madison and Diane as they walked into the room. Diane walked over to her only daughter and smiled as she pulled her into a hug as she cried "it's okay" Diane said as Sophia looked to her and frowned "she's so little And he isn't here. Why isn't she here. She's our baby and he should be here" she sobbed as Madison looked to her and smiled. She felt her heart break as she looked to her little sister, she hated seeing her so broken "it's going to be okay, she needs you and Freddie wanted to have a good excuse for not being here" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled.

She placed a hand in the small incubator and smiled as the small baby grabbed her finger "she's so small" Sophia said as Diane looked to her and smiled "she's beautiful, she just like her mum" Diane said as Sophia smiled as Madison placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "she's going to be okay, she is going to be fine. She is a fighter and she is just like her mum and your going to be a good mum. Have you got a name for her?" Madison asked as Sophia smiled and nodded "yeah, Scarlett. Scarlett-rose" Sophia said as Madison looked to her and smiled "it's beautiful and so is she, I'll go and try and call Freddie and see where he is. He will be here don't worry" Madison said as she walked off as Sophia looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, Madison stood in reception of the hospital and frowned as Freddie walked in with sinead. She looked to them and frowned "what time do you call this?" Madison asked as Freddie looked to her and sighed "I got held up" he said as sinead looked to him and smirked which Madison noticed "you slept with her didn't you?" She asked as he sighed "I.." He said as Madison walked over to sinead and slapped her as she fell to the floor "your a cheap nasty cow and Sophia doesn't need this, go before I tell her" Madison spat as sinead walked off as Madison looked to Freddie "she needs you, go before I cut off your balls and feed it to a dog" she spat as he looked to her and nodded.


Freddie stood in the intensive care unit and smiled as he walked over to Sophia and wrapped an arm and smiled as he held her close as they looked to their baby "it's going to be okay" he said as Madison stood in the doorway watching them and sighed to herself. She knew Freddie was going to break her little sisters heart and knew it was only going to be a matter of time before she found out the truth

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