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Sophia sighed to herself as she lay Scarlett down and sighed. She sat in the flat alone as Madison walked in and smiled "how's my little niece?" Madison asked as she walked over and looked to Scarlett "sleeping for once" Sophia said as Madison looked to Sophia and smiled "are you okay, you looked exhausted" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled "I am, I just need to sleep for a year. Where's Darcie-mae. Scarlett needs a okay daddy with her cousin" Sophia asked as Madison smiled "she's with her daddy and her uncles, Ziggy says he's training her to be a mechanic already even if she's only two months old" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and chuckled "where's Freddie, he hasn't been around here recently. Has he helped you with Scarlett at all" Madison asked as Sophia looked to her and sighed "I don't know what is going on with us mads, he had been off since I gave birth I think he is going off of me" Sophia said.

Madison looked to her and smiled. She felt like a terrible sister. She knew that Freddie had cheated on her while she had Scarlett but she didn't want to be the one to tell Sophia and break her heart. She knew how Sophia has fallen in love with Freddie and she knew that she was going to get her heartbroken and knew that she couldn't keep the secret for much longer "it will be okay, it's probably nothing. He's a guy, who knows what is going on in his mind" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled "yeah, your right" Sophia said as Madison looked to her and smiled. She knew that she wouldn't be the one to break her little sisters heart, she knew that Freddie needed to tell her the truth.


Madison walked into the roscoe house and glared as she saw Freddie. She ignored Ziggy as he sat with Darcie and walked over to Freddie "you need to talk to my sister and you need to be honest as I swear if I have to cover for your cheating well I won't, she thinks it's her and she needs to know. You either tell you or I will as I promised zig I would stay quite bit now it's not going to happen" Madison said as Freddie looked to her and nodded "I know I'll tell her, I made a mistake and now she is going to hate me" he said as Madison nodded "you brought it on yourself" Madison said as Freddie looked to her and nodded.


Later that day, Sophia stood in the roscoe house. She walked into Freddie's room and sighed as she changed out of her top that Scarlett had been sick on. Freddie's phone buzzed off of the side as she looked to it and frowned as she saw a bunch of texts and frowned. She had realised that Freddie had been cheating on her and she wasn't happy, not one bit.

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