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Sophia sat in the flat as she sat with Scarlett and smiled. She looked to her baby and smiled

Sophia knew how hard that she was trying, she was trying to make it work and she knew it wasn't easy but she knew how much that she missed Freddie

Freddie had left her as if she was nothing and she hated it, it broke her heart and she knew that she didn't want that.

She didn't want to go through being without him and it killed her.

Sophia wiped the tears from eyes and looked to see Madison as she walked in. Madison looked to her sister and frowned

Madison knew that Sophia was heartbroken over Freddie and she wanted to be there for her sister

"how are you doing" Madison asked as Sophia sighed

"like crap. I don't know how I am going to get past this, I have to raise our daughter alone as he walked off and left us. He couldn't even say goodbye to me to our daughter" Sophia said as Madison sat next to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"it's going to be okay I promise" Madison said

Sophia sat as she looked at Scarlett and smiled as she placed a hand on her daughters cheek and smiled

"mummy loves you so much. Daddy's is gone so it's just going to be us from now on and I'm going to do my best, mummy is going to do her best and I'm going to do my best to give you the best life" Sophia said as the tears rolled down her face

Sophia knew how strong that she was trying to be for her daughter and she knew that sophia needed her more than anything.

Sophia knew that Freddie was her world, he wasn't coming back and she hated it, she knew how she wanted to try and be the best mum that she could be

"are you okay, you have been crying" Madison said as she walked in and looked to see Sophia and see that she had been crying

"I'm okay, I think. I mean it's not easy. I got a voicemail off of Freddie's he said that he was sorry and he's not coming back so I guess this is it. It's officially done and i have to raise my baby alone and I hate it" Sophia said as Madison walked over to her and hugged her

Sophia stood in the bathroom and paled. She had been feeling off and was worried that she was pregnant.

Sophia looked to the test that she had just taken and felt sick. She picked it up and frowned as she saw it was positive.

She felt sick, she was pregnant again and this time Freddie wasn't there and she had to make a decision over it.

Over everything and she had no idea what she was going to do or if she could have another baby by herself

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